and Reminders:
You will need to complete, revise, and edit your argument and informational essays on your time now. Get those done as soon as possible. Use the rubrics and graphic organizers to check your own work. Email me to let me know what you have changed.
Handouts and Links for Essays:
Example of and Directions for a Works Cited List -- This is not required on your argument paper, but please place the URL's for the sites you used at the end of your essay.
Another sample:
Zoos Argument Essay Color-Coded:
Writing No-No #1: Never Use 1st or 2nd Person (Video) |
Sample Informational EssaySample : Informational Essay about King TutExample of and Directions for a Works Cited List -- This is required on on your informational essay.
Whom did you choose?
Targets for
I can write complete, correct sentences.
I can write an effective essay. |
Today’s Agenda:
1. CSI -- Oops -- Comma Splice Investigations
What do you notice, and how could we fix this collection of comma splices?
Copy this into your composition book, list what you notice, and make needed corrections.
Label: Fixing Comma-Splices 2-16-16
Beethoven began going deaf when he was twenty-seven, he was totally deaf by age forty-five, he continued to write music.
Correctly write the first sentence on the handout. Pass the paper to the next person (left first row, right second row, left third row, right fourth row, left fifth row), and correctly write the next sentence. Sign the sentence you do.
![]() A comma splice is where two or more independent clauses have been spliced together with just a comma. It will not hold! Sentence ErrorsAbout Comma SplicesA1 Your Task: One computer per pair. One of you will go to your argument essay. Check for notes about comma splices or run-ons. If not, the other student will check. Together fix your comma splices or run-on's.
Reading a prompt RAFTS
“Show Me”
(You will not write about this prompt.
You will examine the steps a student followed to create his or her essay.)
Writing NO-NO! or A1 Your Task: One computer per pair. Change pairs as directed. One of you will go to your argument essay. Check for notes about writing that is too informal. If not, the other student will check. Together fix at least part of the problems with formality. ______________________________________________________ Hooks for Persuasive and Argumentative Writing
A1 Your Task:
One computer per pair. Change pairs as directed.
One of you will go to your argument essay.
In the message to the teacher, write a possible alternate hook for your essay.
Thesis Statements
Which Sentence is "Not Good," Better, or Best? Central Ideas/Claims
Which one is ARGUMENT, and which one is INFORMATIVE?
Which Sentence is "Not Good," Better, or Best? Central Ideas/Claims
Which one is ARGUMENT, and which one is INFORMATIVE?
Your Task: One computer per pair. Change pairs as directed. One of you will go to your argument essay. Check whether you have an effective thesis statement. If not, try revising it. __________________________________________________________ |
If You Were
See above.
If you are absent, complete the activities with our own argument essay. |