Words to use on the
backs of your flashcards:
ADD: The A in ARMS for Revsion
Analyze: break it into parts, tell about the parts
Capital LETTERS: the L in Smiles for Editing
Central idea: A sentence that states the main idea being presented. It includes the topic and what the
author thinks or wants to show about that topic
Cite: To quote, summarize, or paraphrase (a passage, book, or
author) as evidence to back up an argument or statement,
Claim: The central idea in an argument. It is a sentence that tells what the person arguing is
trying to prove.
Classify: arrange (a group of people or things) in classes or
categories according to shared qualities or characteristics.
Compare: Tell how two things are alike
Conclusion: a decision made about information you are given
Contrast: Tell how two things are different
Define: Explain the meaning of a word or idea
Describe: give specific and relevant details about something, create a
picture in the reader’s mind of that thing or idea: to tell about or write about; paint a picture with words
Determine: decide
EDIT: Correct errors in conventions such as capitalization, punctuation,
spelling, indenting, and using a
word the wrong way
Evaluate: to judge and tell the good and the bad; or to decide the
value or amount of
Excerpt: Part of a passage: a portion or section of a written work
Explain: teach me or show me, tell me the steps: to make clear or understandable
Explain: teach me or show me, tell me the steps: to make clear or understandable
INDENT paragraphs
Infer: To guess based on the information
MOVE: one of the words that the letters in ARMS stand for
Omit: to leave out
Paraphrase: putting information from a source into your own words
Punctuation MARKS: the M in Smiles for Editing
REMOVE: one of the words that the letters in ARMS stand for
Revise: to change or improve something for your writing. It means to add, remove, move
around, or substitute.
SENTENCES (complete): The S in SMILES for editing
The S in SMILES for editing
SUBSTITUTE: one of the words that the letters in ARMS stand for
Summarize: give a brief statement of the main points of (something).
Trace: Explain something step by step