Sunday, January 11, 2015

Monday, January 12, 2015

1. Individual Reading -- just for fun today

2. CSI
Conventions in Sentences Investigation 

 Copy this sentence correctly and below it write five things you notice.

Label it "C.S.I." with today's date: 

 Cool, deep, dark blue water flowed through the rough limestone rocks 

in the gorge.

3. What is Historical Fiction?  Complete this assignment in class:  Historical Fiction Cloze Activity.doc

4.  If needed, we will read from The Outsiders, so all the classes are at the same page -- the beginning of Chapter 3.  Then we will watch the video to catch up to where we are in the book. 
  • A1: page 22 "Why don't you be nice and leave us alone?"  -- to Chapter 3?
    B5:  Page 25 "Okay, I said. . .  " to page 31 page break   --  to Chapter 3
    B6: Page 26  "He'd leave you along if he knew you." -- none today    -- to Chapter 3
    B7: Page 22  "Dally merely shrugged and strolled off." to page 30, top   -- to chapter 3 
  • B7 Watched video of The Outsiders to Cherry saying "Things are tough all over."

5.  Play Grammar Punk, if time.  -- Some classes played this.

The teacher will roll the sets of dice to determine qualifications for the sentences you will write. 

Subject of the sentence
Use words that begin with a certain letter -- How many?
Use a particular part of speech
Use a particular punctuation mark