Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Example of and Directions for a Works Cited List

This is required on your informational essay. (For the most part, all you have to do for this requirement is to copy and paste these citations to your list.  Make sure you have at least three sources.  How They Croaked can count as one. You will  use information from the others in your essay.)

Works Cited 

"Ankhesenamen." Britannica Biographies (2012): 1. Biography Reference Center. Web. 5 Feb. 2016.

Biography.com, Editors. "King Tut Biography." Bio.com. A&E Networks Television. Web. 09 Feb. 2016.

Bragg, Georgia, and Kevin O'Malley. How They Croaked: The Awful Ends of the Awfully Famous. New York: Walker, 2011. Print.

"Frail And Sickly, King Tut Suffered Through Life." All Things Considered 16 Feb. 2010. Research in Context. Web. 5 Feb. 2016.

"King Tut's Chariot On Display In New York." Morning Edition 4 Aug. 2010. Research in Context. Web. 5 Feb. 2016.

Lesko, Leonard H. "Tutankhamun." World Book Student. World Book, 2016. Web. 5 Feb. 2016.
Seiden, Ellen. "The curse of King Tut." Calliope Oct. 2013: 38+. Research in Context. Web. 5 Feb. 2016.

Tutankhamen." Britannica Biographies (2012): 1. Biography Reference Center. Web. 5 Feb. 2016.

"Tutankhamen." Encyclopedia of World Biography. Detroit: Gale, 1998. Research in Context. Web. 5 Feb. 2016.

"Who else is buried in King Tut's tomb? Perhaps a queen, says one Egyptologist." Christian Science Monitor 29 Nov. 2015. Research in Context. Web. 5 Feb. 2016.

Where do I find these citations? 

Grades 6-8, get into an article, then at the right click on Citation Tools.  
Copy the MLA citation and add it to your Works Cited list.  When citing a source in your essay, use just a bit of that information. 

On World Book, get into an article and scroll to the bottom of it for the citation.  Copy the MLA citation.

For Biography.com, you will find citation information at the bottom of the page, but it has not yet been made into a citation.   Ask Mrs. Dorsey how to do it, or go to Citation Machine (ww.citationmachine.net/mla/cite-a-website), enter Biography.com for the website, and enter the other information that you found under "Cite This Page" in the left margin on Biography.com.

Here is the citation for How They Croaked
Bragg, Georgia, and Kevin O'Malley. How They Croaked: The Awful Ends of the Awfully Famous. New York: Walker, 2011. Print.