Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Wednesday/Thursday, February 3/4, 2016

Announcements and Reminders:

Do not forget to finish your argument essay on Utah Compose if you have not done that yet.
I am working on grading your argument essays. I am leaving the points as no-count until this Friday to give you more time to work.  Then they will be applied to your grade, so finish up your essays, and make sure you meet all of the requirements.  
You will need to let me know when you have worked to meet the requirements on an already-graded essay.

Sample Argument Essay

Some points to check:
  • Use a hook.  Add helpful background information.
  • Write a one-sentence thesis statement. 
  • Base the order of your essay on the order of the reasons in your thesis statement. 
  • Avoid "I" and "you."  in our essay.  Eliminate contractions and abbreviations. 
  • Eliminate unneeded repetition.  (Do not say the same thing over and over and over.)
  • Use transitions at the beginnings of your body paragraphs and conclusion.

Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on February 11.

On February 18/19 the counselors will come into our English classes to teach you how to register for next year. 
Your registration papers will be due in our class by February 23.

Targets for Today:
I will understand more about how to use commas (with appositives).

I will notice qualities of  informative writing
I will understand the differences between argument writing and informational writing.

I will better understand what is meant by tone.

Next time: 
I will find sources and prepare to use and cite them in informative writing. 

Today’s  Agenda: 

1. Pick up your composition books.

2. CSI 

CSI  American Fork

Now Investigating:  Conventions in Sentences Investigation 

Label in your composition book:  CSI #2  with today's date.

  • What do you notice about these sentences?  
  • What do they have in common? 
  • Write down at least three things you notice about them. 
  • Select one of the sentences to copy into your composition book. 

"In the moonlight, Sophie caught a glimpse of an enormous long wide wrinkly face with the most enormous ears."  
                       The Big Friendly Giant by Roald Dahl

"With an earsplitting bang of metal on wood, they hit the thick tree trunk and dropped to the ground with a 
heavy jolt."

           Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling

Reasons to Use Commas

Reason #1  Use commas to set off an appositive (extra information that could be removed from the sentence without changing the meaning of the sentence).  

Reason #2  Use commas to set off an introductory  (at the beginning of the sentence) word, phrase, or clause. 

Commas with Introductory Elements

A1: 3. Learn about Text Features 

B-Day Classes:  

Target: Understand the differences and similarities 
between argument writing and informational writing

What is the difference between 
argument writing and informational writing?

Argument Writing Compared to Informational Writing

Target: Understand what is meant by TONE. 

4.  How They Croaked 
Remember that

Authors make choices!

  • The tone/attitude they have toward their subject.
  • The facts they chose. 
  • The conclusions they make based on  those facts

Chapter 1: King Tut

B5 got partway through the chapter.  page 5 "for about forty more years."
B6 finished the chapter? 
B7, too -- page 4 "And there he rested. . ."

Finish answering questions and complete the TONE exercise.

In pairs, pick a person from How They Croaked,
clear the person with Ms. Dorsey
(first come, first serve)
See the Table of Contents!

Select a Famous Person -- First Come, First Serve

and read the chapter about that person.

Watch for this: 
Why do you think the author would have subtitled this chapter as she did? 

What evidence do you see that the author is NOT writing in a formal style? (She's not taking this entirely seriously.) 
page 4 Tut jerky?!
p. 5 “He was still dead.”


More about Tone and Mood

How do we look at death? 
With what tone do we usually talk about death? 

What is the tone of this video?

Notice these Words and phrases:
Do you know what it means to "hit pay dirt"?
What words does the author define for you?  (context clues)
Poof is both an interjection and onomatopoeia.

Interesting notes on this chapter:
The phrase “his next excellent adventure” is probably an allusion to Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure -- a movie from 1989.

This story has a strong connection to the television program
Downton Abbey!

The Earl of Carnarvon, who owned the mansion that is
used in the television show, was the paying parter
in Carter's expedition that uncovered King Tut.
When Carnarvon died soon after visiting the dig, 

stories of a deadly mummy's curse spread around the world.
Interestingly, Carnarvon died from an infected mosquito bite.


How They Croaked 

Extra Resources:

    This is about why King Tut was physically impaired:  (and lets us know that they've pulled him out again!)

    If You Were Absent:
    See above.
    If you have not completed these assignments, do the following:  
    Download and print these documents -- or pick them up in the classroom.
    Click on the link, then on the Download tab.

    If you were absent, see this post for your assignment: 

    Select a Famous Person -- First Come, First Serve