Turn in your November Book Assignment if you haven't done that yet.
-- an external text feature for you nonfiction book
Your December book will be science fiction or fantasy.
If you went to the party for the 40 Book Challenge (10 books or more), please come see me. Thanks!
Happy December! http://mentalfloss.com/article/54025/6-grammar-points-watch-out-christmas-songs
For your essay about The Causes of Good Grades
1. Individual Reading
2. Central Idea and Supporting Details
3. Translating a Rubric for an Informational Essay
Rubric for the Thanksgiving Turkey
not dry
you really don't have to have gravy When you take it out of the oven and pierce it, juices flow out |
a lovely golden brown, not black, not pink
May be pink if smoked |
large enough to feed the family and have leftovers, but not so many you get sick of it
you can cut it with the side of your fork
easy to chew |
well seasoned
savory, but not too salty
can be herb flavors
doneness not overcooked and dry
not undercooked and rubbery
4. The Outsiders --Character
Darrell/Darry Sodapop |
14 years old gray-green eyes
light brown, almost red hair long hair for a boy likes to watch movies and read books
20 years old, the oldest brother,
16 going on 17, happy,
Next Time:
Instruction about Revision and Editing Revision with ARMS
Add (if not already there) Transitions
Avoid these Phrases in your Writing
Central Idea Retest