Friday, January 31, 2014

B5 Sneaking Snacks

Popcorn = Popcorn Ethics by Korky Vann
Do You Sneak = Do You Sneak Food into the Movies by Stacie Haight Connerty
Is It Okay = Is it Okay to Sneak Food Into the Movies?  by Justin O'Neill


85% -- Popcorn 
AMC- no snack sneaked -- Popcorn


Cohen Quote -- Popcorn
Pocket Popcorn -- Korky Vann

Guy suing AMC - popcorn
Israel -- Popcorn

Because everyone is doing it. . . .   -- Popcorn

As an article in Scholastic Scope magazine concluded, 
"Sneaking food into the movies . . . . It's just bad manners."