Friday, January 17, 2014

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Announcements and Reminders: 

If you miss school, see this blog for what you missed, and complete the assignments as best you can. 

Genre for your January book assessment: Historical or Multicultural Fiction (Novels)
Pick up the goldenrod handout if you were absent last time.
You can also download and print it here:JANUARY BOOK OF THE MONTH PROJECT H.doc

Due dates for your January book assessment:
Sign up by January 17 for full points.
Sign up for your new Edmodo group by the end of class on January 24. (Before is better.)
You will have some time to work on your project in class on January 24.
Your completed assignment must be posted and complete on Edmodo by January 30. 
Do NOT use Wikipedia 
Your source should not be a list of sources.
Do not use or a similar site as a source.
Do not use random blogs.   

Suggestions: Do a search for your historical time period on any of these:
Library of Congress at
You can go to the Library of Congress and type in "for students" and your topic.
You can read newspapers from the time of many events in the history of the United States:

Try out these resources:
I especially like this one:

Today’s Agenda
1. Individual reading of your historical fiction or multicultural fiction novel.

2.  Another prefix      in-, im-  

4. Creating Practically Perfect Paragraphs

Watch a video and write to answer this prompt:
(From a television special on Terri Calvesbert )
We watched 1:54-4:11, 8:00 -8:22, 12:00 - 12;55, 16:53- the end of the video.

Prompt:  An issue that people disagree on is 
whether or not a painful life is worth living.  You have watched portions of a video.
Some people
say Terri Calvesbert, the girl who was so terribly burned
 as a young child, should have been allowed to die right after the fire.  
What do you think? Persuade your reader either that 
she should have been allowed to die, 
or that it was right to save her life. 

Deconstruct the  Writing Prompt
Answer the Prompt

If you were absent: 
Here are the documents we used today:   You can click on them, and use the "Download" tab to download them to your computer.
in-, im- meaning not.doc   
 Burned Girl Prompt.doc

One of these things is not like the others:

On a lighter note:
bird sledding on bottle cap

Guess who I saw over the weekend?