Contrast the description in the book with the way he is portrayed in the movie.
Book Both Movie
hair - light blonde hair-- dark brown
eyes -- blue, blazing ice eyes -- brown
elfish face regular face
like a lynx --ears ears -- regular
sharp animal -- teeth teeth -- regular
not good looking handsome
chin -- pointy a little pointy
doesn't like hair oil greasy hair
doesn't like kids
same personality
The creators of the movie The Outsiders, changed Dallas Winston's looks from the way he is described in the book. In the movie, instead of having blonde hair, he has dark brown. Also, in the book he has a pointy face, but in the movie he has a more handsome, regular face. The book describes his ears as lynx-like, but the actor in the movie has rounded ears.
The movie doesn't show everything the same as the book of The Outsiders, especially Dallas Winston's looks.