Thursday, September 12, 2013

Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday the 13th!    Lucky or Un? 

How are you coming on your book for the book project? You should have it read by September 19, and be ready to turn in your written work by the end of class on September 23. 
  • B2 Don't forget the Pledge of Allegiance 

Book orders: We have $11 worth of orders turned in so far, so we need only $9 to send in the order early! 
Then we can send in another order on the 25th!

You DO NOT need your composition book today.
Do get out your reading book.

If you do not finish the Edmodo assignment -- answering two questions about The Outsiders -- in class, it becomes homework. 


Take the 
MyAccess District Test
Do NOT try to take or finish this test at home.  This test is to be completed entirely under the supervision of your teacher.  Thank you.

"Class Set" means you do not write on the papers, 
and you do leave it when you go. 

Take to Computer Lab 223 (by Ms. Eddington, nearest to us): 
-- the green direction sheet 
-- your individual book to read

To do in the lab: 
  1. Complete the district writing test.
  2. Complete the SRI  (computer reading test) if you did not finish it before. See the poster for log-in information.
  3. Answer the two questions about Outsiders on Edmodo.  There will be Outsiders books in the lab. 
  4. If you still have time, read your individual book.

After you finish the district test, 
log into Edmodo and answer these two prompts: 
student number
To answer, click on the Turn In button, then type your answer in the box provided "Type your responses here. . . ."
Turn it in by clicking on "Turn in Assignment."
Spend any extra time reading your Book of the Month Book or working on the assignment on Edmodo that goes with it. 

Outsiders - Chapter 1-- Family Relationships
Outsiders - Chapter 2 -- Common Life Experiences

Ponyboy's reply to the first prompt:  [The numbers in brackets are for the pages in the book where he says something like these things.]

     Darry doesn't like me! Yah, he works long and hard [2], and doesn't have time to do much of anything fun. He has to do all of that because of me and Soda, and now that Soda has dropped out, it's just mostly because of me.  So no wonder he resents me and gets so mad at me whatever I do. 

     Darry is hard and firm and rarely grins at all. He's always hollering at me, and treating me like I'm six instead of fourteen. [2] And he's always rough with me without meaning to be! [6] He gets so mad because I don't use my head, don't seem to have common sense, and he always uses his head. [13] He expects so much of me, too. If I bring home B's, he wants A's. If I bring home A's I'd better make sure they stay A's. [13] 

     Soda understands about everything. I love Soda more than I've ever loved anybody. He's happy-go-lucky and always grinning. [2] He stands up for me to Darry, and somehow he gets away with it. Soda and I share a room and one bed since that's all we've got. That's okay 'cuz it gives us a chance to confide in each other. I sure hope Soda sticks around until I've finished school so he can keep Darry off my back. [18]