Monday, October 26, 2015

Friday/Monday, October 30/November 2, 2015

You may wear costumes on Friday, but the dress code still applies.
Costumes CANNOT include full-face paint, masks, or weapons.

Announcements and Reminders:

Study for the Argument Vocabulary Post Test.
Quizlet for argument vocabulary:
(Notice that Quizlet provides you with several different ways to study for the test.)
Important Note: When we take the argument vocabulary post test (in Term 2), you will be expected to know ALL of the terms and their definitions. 

Winners for the Zombie Haiku Contest

Would the anonymous poet who handed in a couple of haiku please come see me!

There will be a dance this Friday, November 6th.  
7th and 8th Grade Dance 2:45 - 4pm.

Ms. Dorsey will no longer be doing intervention for Cavetime on Thursdays.  She will instead host the Mock Trial enrichment. 

Tuesdays are request days.   This week anyone may come on Tuesday.

 For the new term you may begin earning extra credit.  I especially encourage you to memorize the poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost. 

Extra Credit Poem Memorization

Sign up by November 11.  Discussions will be held on November 19/20.
Don't forget to bring your book to class each day.
November -- Your choice of genre of novel
Element or Aspect of Literature:  Point of View

Next month: December -- Fantasy or Science Fiction novel
Element or Aspect of Literature: Setting

Spelling practice:

Novel:   a long printed story about imaginary characters and events. 
 A fictional prose narrative of considerable length, typically having a plot that is unfolded by the actions, speech, and thoughts of the characters.

Targets for Today:
   I can spell words appropriate to my grade level.
   I can read a variety of texts and comprehend and enjoy them.

Today’s  Agenda:

 Professor Sprout and her favorite Mandrake

Etymology for Professor Sprout's Name

In Roman mythology, Pomona was the goddess of fruit trees, gardens and orchards.[65] Sprout is a verb meaning "to begin to grow, shoot forth, as a plant from a seed".[66]

Winners for the Zombie Haiku Contest

   Pick up your composition book.
Be ready to read your novel for the month.

  1. Quiet Individual reading time. 

    [Friday Drawings! for A-Day]
    A tiny bit of trick or treat on Friday! 

No, not that kind of spelling!  Well, maybe a little.
2. Spelling
Set 1 for Term 2 -- 
Test Today 
accept/except and break/brake

Next Spelling Test: Copy these words and sentences into your composition book.
November 9/10
I definitely want the money.
She defiantly stomped out of the room.

I was lost in the desert.
Yes, I want more dessert.
Never desert your post if you are a soldier.

A good friend will not desert you when you are having problems.

4.  Read from The Outsiders
     Discuss the Point of View.  

Start collecting evidence for whether or not Ponyboy, Soda, and Darrell should be allowed to keep living together, or if the younger boys should be placed in another home with more adult supervision.

A1 read from  page 19, chapter 2 to  page 31 (top)   minute 21:29 in Chapter 2
They worked on their charts.

B5  read from beginning of Chapter 2 to page 33 (last paragraph) minute 26:34 in Chapter 2.

They worked on their charts.

B6 read from page 23 (Chapter 2, 6:22), top to top of page 42, minute  (page 41, Chapter 3 minute 8:04

They worked on their charts.

B7 read from top of page 24 to  Chapter 3 page 39,    minute 3:01

They worked on their charts.

Work on your chart of information about the main characters under  "Reader Response" in your composition book.

  • Narrator: Ponyboy Curtis
  • Darrell/Darry Curtis
  • Sodapop Curtis
  • Steve Randall
  • Two-Bit Mathews
  • Dallas Winston
  • Johnny Cade
  • Cherry Valance

Here is some helpful information I've prepared -- especially for parents -- about  Our First Class Novel: The Outsiders.

If You Were Absent:
See the above. 

Wednesday/Thursday, October 28/29, 2015

Announcements and Reminders:

Book Orders are due October 28.

Ms. Dorsey will no longer be doing intervention for Cavetime on Thursdays.  She will instead host the Mock Trial enrichment. 

 For the new term you may begin earning extra credit.  I especially encourage you to memorize the poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost. 

Extra Credit Poem Memorization

November -- Your choice of genre of novel
Element or Aspect of Literature:  Point of View
   Notice who is telling the story.  See the point of view chart in your composition book.
December -- Fantasy or Science Fiction novel
Element or Aspect of Literature: Setting
How would the story be different if it were placed in a different setting -- our time and place?  the past? if in the future, a different future setting? 

Spelling practice:

Targets for Today:
   I can spell words appropriate to my grade level.
   I can recognize elements of literature in a short story.
   I can select books to read that are at an appropriate level for me. 

Today’s  Agenda:

  1. Spelling Practice , Set 1 for Term 2

Test on  October 30/November 2
I accept the prize with pride.
They chose everyone except me.     (Memory trick: They x'd me out!)
Accept or Except?

Let us take a break.
The brake on the bike was broken.
Brake and Break

1) Do not ________________ anything less than the best.

2) Did you _______________ the pencil that is under your desk?

3) I like almost all foods ________________ limburger cheese.

4) When he pushed on the ________________, the car didn't even slow down.

5) Let's take a ______________ after we grade these tests.

  2.  Halloween Storytime
           Listen to Ray Bradbury's short story, "A Sound of Thunder."  (30 minutes)
           What is the setting?
           What is the point of view?  (See your Point of View chart, if needed.  Is it any of them, or does the audio use only dialogue to tell the story?  See the actual text of the story below.)
           How many types of conflict can you find?  (See the list in your composition book.)
             Identify the protagonist(s), antagonist(s).
            Identify the theme.
You can open and print the worksheet from  here.  Click on the download tab.
     Literary Elements Review with Sound of Thunder.docx 

Seemingly small things can lead to huge consequences. 
(or) Little things can make a big difference.
People can have too much money.
Everything has a purpose.  
Everything is connected.
Nothing is too small to be important.

(Travis, the tour guide, along with his assistant, Lesperance, leads Eckels and two other hunters, Billings and Kramer, into the time machine and they set off to a time 60,002,055 years before the time they left.  The democratic candidate Keith, the moderate presidential candidate, was elected over Deutscher, the dictatorial candidate.)

3. Media Center!  Find just the right book.   
           You will have about twenty minutes in the media center. 
           In the media center you may read the book you have already chosen or look for a book for the November Book of the Month -- Due November 19/20  -- almost any genre of novel.

If You Were Absent:
See the above.
Study your spelling for the test on October 30/November 2.
Listen to the story and fill out the Literary Terms check that that goes with it. 

Friday, October 23, 2015

Winners for the Zombie Haiku Contest

Entries must be turned in by 4:00 pm on Tuesday, October 27.  
Remember, your haiku will have three lines, with 
five syllables,
seven syllables, 
five syllables, and it will be about zombies. 

* 1st place        Would Anonymous please come see me for your prize?!
Sometimes I wonder,
Why Zombies don't eat good food,
and instead eat us.
    -- Anonymous

*   2nd place
You should wear a hat.
Zombies can not get your brains
underneath that hat.
 -- Emily B.  B7

*   3rd place  (There was a three-way tie for third place!)
Zombies not that fun
Zombies biting day and night
Zombies screech and run
      --Hyram N. B6

*  3rd place  (There was a three-way tie for third place!)
Do they roam the streets,
taking candy from neighbors?
That's not them, it's us!
 -- Emily Blair B7

*  3rd place  (There was a three-way tie for third place!)
Got out of the car,
and was horrified to see,
two zombies hugging!
 -- Emily Blair  B7

Honorable Mention:
Zombies can't eat brains!
That's where we store our knowledge
that we use in life!
      -- Emily Blair   B7

Honorable Mention:
If you are Zombie
talk like a Tarzan movie
get better grammar
   -- Ashton M. B6

I do love zombies
because they eat each other
Zombies are awesome
    -- Marcus K. B6

Zombies can be tall,
or bea-u-ti-ful and slim,
but are still zombies.
  -- Anonymous

Zombies don't live where
you can see them, but they still
jump out and scare you.
 -- Emily Blair

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Monday/Tuesday, October 26/27, 2015

Announcements and Reminders:

Today is the first day of your new term in this class! 

Learning from Failure (or from not earning quite the grade you wanted!)

We are going to the media center next time, 
so you can find a book if you haven't yet.  
 Zombie Haiku Contest ends on the 27th! 

Contest! Extravagant (small, inexpensive) Prizes and Extra Credit

Book Orders are due October 28. 

Ms. Dorsey will no longer be doing intervention for Cavetime on Thursdays.  She will instead host the Mock Trial enrichment. 

 For the new term you may begin earning extra credit.  I especially encourage you to memorize the poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost. 

Extra Credit Poem Memorization

November -- Your choice of genre of novel
Element or Aspect of Literature:  Point of View

December -- Fantasy or Science Fiction novel
Element or Aspect of Literature: Setting

Novel:   a long printed story about imaginary characters and events. 
 A fictional prose narrative of considerable length, typically having a plot that is unfolded by the actions, speech, and thoughts of the characters.

Targets for Today:
   I can spell words appropriate to my grade level.

   I can read about issues, then think through them and write and talk about them.

Today’s  Agenda:

   Pick up your composition book.

[B6:  Pledge of Allegiance Sign-Ups
  Watch Video: ]

  1. Quiet Individual reading time.

    Friday Drawings!

  2. Spelling, Set 1 for Term 2
Test on  October 30/November 2


I accept the prize with pride.

They chose everyone except me.

Accept or Except?


Let us take a break.

The brake on the bike was broken.

3.  Read - Think- Write - Talk - Write
Read this report from NPR:

This study was published in a professional journal.
There were only 180 kids studied, but they were studied for 10 years.
Consider whether kids in our community would be different.

In your composition book, under Reading Response, page 33+,
write at least a half-page, responding to the report.   Label it "Cool Kids."
   Do you agree or disagree?
   What evidence have you seen or heard that this is true or false?
   What does this have to do with you?

  Talk with your appointment clock appointment for today.
  Add to or revise your writing.

4.  Read from The Outsiders.

A1 read from    p. 12, end of first paragraph to page 19, chapter 2.

B5  page 10, after Two-Bit -- begin Dallas to Chapter 2. 

B6 read from page 15, ". . . remembering Dallas Winston, I didn't blame them." (middle of paragraph) to page 23, top.

B7 read from  page 14 "On school nights I could hardly leave the house," 
to                     They worked on their charts.

Create a chart of information about the main characters under  "Reader Response."
  • Narrator: Ponyboy Curtis
  • Darrell/Darry Curtis
  • Sodapop Curtis
  • Steve Randall
  • Two-Bit Mathews
  • Dallas Winston
  • Johnny Cade

Here is some helpful information I've prepared -- especially for parents -- about  Our First Class Novel: The Outsiders.

If You Were Absent:
See the above. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Thursday/Friday, October 22/23, 2015

Announcements and Reminders:
The term ends Friday, October 23.
Hand in your leftover hall passes on Thursday or Friday!

Today is the day!

Zombie Haiku Contest ends on the 27th! 

Contest! Extravagant (small, inexpensive) Prizes and Extra Credit

Book Orders are due October 28. 

Learning from Failure (or from not earning quite the grade you wanted!)

Targets for Today:

I can write a paragraph.
I can write an argument essay.

Today’s  Agenda:

     1. Finish or revise your paragraph about your Fall Break.
                My fall break this year was a wonderful (or invigorating 
                      or exciting or . . . ) experience.
                My fall break this year was a ho-hum sort of experience. 
         For classes that have not done the peer review, do the peer review.
     2. Prepare to write an essay.

PowerPoint?  paragraph fishtank.ppt  from Paragraph to Essay

Computer Lab 224 --

Write your essay on UtahCompose.

1. Sit at your composition book number.

2. Log in and log in to Utah Compose.

3. Select "Practice."

4. Select the prompt 

       "Tracking Your Whereabouts."

5. Type each of the bolded sentences from the 


6. Fill in to write the rest of your essay.

When you go back in to revise, it should show up on your homepage. Click to revise.

If You Were Absent:

See above.
Download the Argument Guide.
Log into Utah Compose and write your essay.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Tuesday/Wednesday, October 20/21, 2015

Announcements and Reminders:
The term ends Friday, October 23.
Hand in your leftover hall passes on Thursday or Friday!

Today is the day!

Book Discussions -- Book of the Month -- October 20-21

For this Book of the Month, read contemporary realistic fiction.
See your goldenrod handout for the Book of the Month Assignment.
You have also received your evaluation sheet.  On the back a place for notes (and further explation of theme) is provided.
The book discussions will be held on October 20/21. 

Common Themes.

Don't forget to bring treats to share with your groups!

  •       If you earned less than 70/87 on your composition book, you may prepare it and have it rechecked by the end of the day on October 14 -- extended to October 21.

Zombie Haiku Contest ends on the 27th! 

Contest! Extravagant (small, inexpensive) Prizes and Extra Credit

Book Orders are due October 28. 

Writing Paragraphs

Parts of Speech 
Parts of Speech 2015

More of The Outsiders and Argument

Begin studying for the Argument Vocabulary Post Test.
Quizlet for argument vocabulary:
(Notice that Quizlet provides you with several different ways to study for the test.)
Important Note: When we take the argument vocabulary post test (in Term 2), you will be expected to know ALL of the terms and their definitions. 

If you are absent on any of these days, go to the above links to study.

Targets for Today:

I have read a realistic fiction novel, and will discuss it with classmates, showing that I read and understood it.
I can find and explain a theme from the novel I read.

I can understand and write a complete paragraph. 

Today’s  Agenda:

     1. Prepare for book discussions.
     2. Book Discussions
           Change the "Assigned Elements" column from (1-10) to (1-12).

         Hand in your evaluations!

     3. Learning about paragraphs
             View the PowerPoint and take notes.
PowerPoint?  paragraph fishtank.ppt

     4. Write a paragraph --
                  in your composition book under Notes and QuickWrites.
                  Label it "My Fall Break."
                  This is a brief informational (and personal) piece.
                  It is fairly informal, so you can use the personal pronouns I, me,                               my, and mine.  
                My fall break this year was a wonderful (or invigorating 
                      or exciting or . . . ) experience.
                My fall break this year was a ho-hum sort of experience. 
                   [You may adjust the wording of your topic sentence  
                              to fit your own experience.]

          My fall break this year was a wonderful experience for at least
      three reasons.  First, I enjoyed being with my grandchildren,  holding
      a  smiling, laughing baby, watching the toddlers play at the Museum
      of Curiosity, and visiting with the older children about their school  
      activities and watching with them their new favorite YouTube videos.
      I also  got to attend an event I wouldn't have been able to go to on a
      school day: The Parliament of World Religions which was held in
      Salt Lake City.  Finally, I actually got some work done around my
      home,  including organizing a closet and beginning to get my yard
      ready for winter.  All in all it was a great long weekend.

   Write your own.

           5.  Peer check.  

If You Were Absent:

See above.

A1  Book Discussion Groups
Group 1
Hannah R
Megan H
Daisha S
Group 2
Gage G
Mark S
Wyatt M
Group 3
Laura F
Ellie G
Group 4
Laityn  T
Eveline Z
Samuel S.
Group 5
Kianna D.
Emma N.
Brynn H.
Group 6
Claire H.
Anna B.
Harrington B.
Group 7
Mia L.
Alix B.
Sarah M.
Group 8
Adeleigh W.
Makailee T.
Erica W.
Group 9
Brandon G.
Ryan G.
Keileigh A.

McKenzie W.

Group 10
Sarie R.
Daniel A.
Sage T.

Savanna S.

Change the "Assigned Elements" column from (1-10) to (1-12).
B5  Book Discussion Groups
Change the "Assigned Elements" column from (1-10) to (1-12).
Group 1
Dennis D.
Melissa A.
Dylan B.
Group 2
Bryson S
Izaiah O.
Abbie Rees
Group 3
Angela C.
Kaylee O.
Skip L.
Group 4
Madison A.
Samuel B
Lucianna H.
Group 5
Owen S.
Brooklyn S.
Elizabeth B.
Group 6
Treson H.
Charlie H.
Allyssa C.
Group 7
Bennett A.
Justus H.
Rebecca B.
Group 8
Trace R.
Kade S.
Cody B
Group 9
Claire O.
Jessie A.
Porter D.
Group 10
Kameron A.
Jayden H.
Card, F.
Group 11
Johnathon S.
Abe I.
Scott B.
Group 12
Drake G.
McKay R.
Gage C.

Ryan (new)

Change the "Assigned Elements" column from (1-10) to (1-12).
B6 Book Discussion Groups
Change the "Assigned Elements" column from (1-10) to (1-12).
Group 1
Tanner N
Marcus K
Ryan E
Group 2
Miriam Z
Aliyah Y
Noah G
Group 3
Alyssa B
Tayla C
Kayl Nelson
Group 4
Mitchell B
Ashton M
Dakota G
Group 5
Michael S
Emma E
Joshua K
Group 6
Ryan L
Zoe H
Harrison W
Group 7
Kristen B
Hyram N
Jose V
Group 8
Avery W
Trinity F
Blake K
Group 9
Arianna L
Victoria M
Kaden P
Group 10
Alea C
Jaiven H
Diego G
Group 11
Danika N
Pedro U
Prince K

Sidney G

Change the "Assigned Elements" column from (1-10) to (1-12).
B7  Book Discussion Groups
Change the "Assigned Elements" column from (1-10) to (1-12).
Group 1
Rainey L
Kathryn B
Tayler B
Group 2
Armando S
Serenity J
Hayden S
Group 3
Holly H
Sophia M
Hunter D
Group 4
Justin B
Devanne C.
Paul B
Group 5
Brodey L
Marianne C
Edgar P
Group 6
Blake T
Destiny P
Sadie G
Group 7
Zak B
Kayla W
Sydnee V
Group 8
Hannah W
Calleigh M
Emily B
Group 9
Madison T
Anne C
Brynlin R

Chloe P