Announcements and Reminders:
The term ends Friday, October 23. Hand in your leftover hall passes on Thursday or Friday! Today is the day!
Targets for Today:
I can write a paragraph.
I can write an argument essay.
Today’s Agenda:
1. Finish or revise your paragraph about your Fall Break.
My fall break this year was a wonderful (or invigorating or exciting or . . . ) experience. (or) My fall break this year was a ho-hum sort of experience.
For classes that have not done the peer review, do the peer review.
2. Prepare to write an essay.
Listen to an NPR broadcast:
PowerPoint? paragraph fishtank.ppt from Paragraph to Essay
Computer Lab 224 --
Write your essay on UtahCompose. 1. Sit at your composition book number. 2. Log in and log in to Utah Compose. 3. Select "Practice." 4. Select the prompt "Tracking Your Whereabouts." 5. Type each of the bolded sentences from the handout. 6. Fill in to write the rest of your essay. When you go back in to revise, it should show up on your homepage. Click to revise. |
If You Were Absent:
See above.
Download the Argument Guide.
Log into Utah Compose and write your essay.