Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Parts of Speech 2015

Parts of Speech

Ways to show you know:  Pick one. 
  • Pass the test with 85% or more 
  • Prepare an attractive poster that will help other students learn the eight parts of speech and what each does.
  • Prepare a PowerPoint or Prezi that will help other students learn the seven parts of speech and what each does.
  • Correctly label the parts of speech on 80% or 40 of 50 or more words within a passage from a novel or other book you are reading (not a grammar book).  
  • or  -- Memorize and perform for the class "Rappin' Grammar"."

Part of Speech
Function or Job/Definition
describes an action (doing something) or a state (being something).
walk, talk, think, believe, live, like, want, is
usually describes a verb. It tells you how something is done. It may also tell you when or where something happened.   (Adverbs also describe adjectives or other adverbs.)
slowly, intelligently, well, yesterday, tomorrow, here, everywhere
a naming word. It names a person, place, thing, idea, living creature, quality, or action.
cowboy, theater, box, thought, tree, kindness, arrival
used instead of a noun, to avoid repeating the noun.
I, you, he, she, it, we, they, anyone, yourself
describes a noun.  It tells you something about the noun.
big, yellow, thin, amazing, beautiful, quick, important


usually comes before a noun, pronoun or noun phrase. It joins the noun to some other part of the sentence.
on, in, by, with, under, through, at


joins two words, phrases or sentences together.
but, so, and, because, or, although
an unusual kind of word, because it often stands alone. Interjections are words which express emotion or surprise, and they are usually followed by exclamation marks.
Ouch!, Hello!, Hurray!, Oh no!, Ha!

    See also these helpful links: 