Thursday, September 3, 2015

Literary Terms

These are the literary terms you need to know for the test:
I've placed a check mark by the terms almost all of you knew. 
I've placed a pair of glasses by the terms we've looked at as a class.

You could also use this PowerPoint to help you study:
Literary terms and definitions (1).pptx

Genre    (9/17/18)  a type or category of stories

Key for Sorting Hats

Plot                  the series of related events that make up the story
Exposition      the beginning of the story that introduces the setting and main characters
Inciting Incident  :  the event or decision that causes the major conflict in the story
Rising Action : the part of the story in which the action keeps getting more intense, building toward a climax 
Climax:  the point of the story when the tension and excitement are at their highest level.      
Falling Action: what happens after the main problem of the story has been resolved
Resolution    the ending of the story -- how it turns out.

Antagonist   -- the "bad" guy (or force) that causes the problem for the protagonist
Protagonist   -- the "good" guy -- the main character 
Setting   when and where the story takes place

Conflict         the problem in the story
     Internal Conflict  happens inside the protagonist
     External Conflict a problem that is outside the protagonist.  It comes from another character, nature, society, fate, or the supernatural 

Narrator    the one who is telling the story
    First Person Point of View -- the narrator is a character in the story
    Second Person Point of View -- the story is told about "you." 
    Third Person Point of View  -- the narrator is NOT a character in the story and tells the story using pronouns such as "he" and "she."
    Tone  the speaker's or narrator's attitude toward the subject 

Theme    the message about life or human nature expressed in the story

Key for Sorting Hats

Dialogue - when characters talk to each other  

 Imagery  -- descriptive or figurative language, language that appeals to the five senses 

 Symbol -- something that represents a larger idea or concept

Figurative Language -- expressions used as descriptions that are not meant literally.

(Literal Language) -- When you use literal language, you really mean what you say.
     Metaphor  a comparison between two unlike things for the purpose of description

Chart for Examples and Non-Examples of Simile and Metaphor

      Simile -- a comparison between two unlike things (using like or as) for the purpose of description

Figurative Language

    Personification --  a nonhuman thing is given human traits

    Hyperbole -- exaggeration

Hyperbole and Yo Mama!

   Alliteration  -- words next to each other or close together begin with the same sound

Onomatopoeia  -- a word that imitates the sound it describes
     Rhyme   -- endings of words sound the same
     Allusion -- a reference to a well-known person, event, story, or thing


     Irony -- a contrast between what is expected and what actually happens.
Dramatic irony can also include times when the audience knows things that the characters do not.

Extra Credit: Irony vs. Coincidence    

     Connotation -- the meaning or feeling that is associated with a word. Connotation goes beyond the dictionary definition.  For example, home can mean "a dwelling; where something or someone lives," but saying or reading the word usually brings warm and happy feelings. 

Shades of Meaning   

     Flashback -- when the author goes back briefly to a time earlier than the main story
 (in The Outsiders when Ponyboy tells about Johnny begin jumped by the Socs)
Flashback and Foreshadowing (Can you spot the errors?)

     Foreshadowing -- when the author gives hints about what will happen later  
