Monday, April 21, 2014

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Announcements and Reminders: 
Today is National Silence Day/Impossible Astronaut Day

Today is National Silence Day/Impossible Astronaut Day

Don't forget Poem In Your Pocket Day tomorrow, April 24!
The Poems in MY Pocket Today

To prepare for the SAGE Testing in May (May 7 and 9), be ready to bring your own headphones.  You will receive extra credit for bringing them.

To prepare for the SAGE Testing in May (May 7 and 9), you can go to
and go over the practice test. 

Students Who Need to Finish SAGE Testing

M. L. -- B6

3. I will send in book orders next Friday, May 2, then again May 9. Order online or bring the order form and a check.
       If you order online, use the Class Activation Code: GKLJW

Today’s Agenda:

2. Phrases, Dependent Clauses, and Independent Clauses 
Not all groups of words are sentences!
Some are phrases.
Some are dependent clauses.
Some are independent clauses
which can also be called sentences.
A phrase is a group of words that does NOT have both a subject and a verb.
A dependent clause has both a subject and a verb, but something (usually a conjunction at the beginning of it) keeps it from being a complete thought (sentence).
An independent clause has both a subject and a verb and states a complete thought.

Just going out and having fun

in the rain

laughing uncontrollably

three seventh graders
because there is an elephant in the hallway

The boy is running.

Phrases and Clauses

For each of these groups of words, place a check mark in the column that identifies what it is.
Dependent Clause
Independent Clause
under the table

he ran

jumping on the trampline

because you didn’t hand in the buff worksheet

the book lying on the desk

Slippery Sam escaped from his high security cell

Dishonest Dan dodging darts in the dark

so we did not go

when the last student has left the room

slightly damaged video game boxes

3. Suffixes

Suffix Practice
Fill in the blanks under meaning with the correct meaning for each of these suffixes.
Try it first without your study guide or chart, then check and correct (if needed ) your answers.
Word Part (suffixes)
Sample Words
1. -er, -or

baker, teacher, doctor, dancer, author, tractor, heater
2. -en

wooden, golden, earthen
3. -able, -ible

agreeable, legible, edible, visible, audible, expandable
4. -er, -est

bigger, biggest, smaller, faster, sunnier, sunniest, safer, safest
5. -ly

Sincerely, usually, quickly, carefully, finally, immediately

Word Bank to use to fill in the blanks
one who, that which
made of
characteristic of
can be done
act or process

4. The Giver 
summarize chapters 3-4   Giver, Summary for Chapters 3 and 4
Chapter 5 +

5. Symbolism  -- Take notes
pale eyes in The Giver (notice that it does not say "blue," just pale)
What would a bicycle represent -- especially for a child just getting one?
Jonas and the newchild Gabriel have "lighter" eyes.

If time:
Codes-Symbols -- Take notes in your composition book.  (6 minutes)
B5 to 4:16  camera angles
B6 just copying code chart
B7 to copying code chart: 2:38
B8 finished.

Do you know about the symbolism of the red shirts on Star Trek?
Watch for symbolism in The Giver.  Watch for symbolism in your own book of the month.  Think about what colors and other symbols you could use to represent the characters and setting in the scene you choose from your book.

Symbolism of color:

If you were absent: 
See above.

You Need to Present Your March Book of the Month
B5 –
B 8
Isaack C.
Ethan D.
Tyson E.
Anthony J.
Clayton M.
Zachary W.

During Cavetime

Nicholas G.
Mayson L.
Ashley P.
Chris R.
Kylee S.
Elijah W.
Jared Y.

During Cavetime

Travis A.
Travis A.
Stockton B.
Isabelle F.
Emily L.
Rylan S.
Cody S.

Do during cave time.
Joseph B.
Jared D.
Kimee M.
Forrest M.  
Oakley R.
Kyler S.
Jaxon S.

Do during cave time.

What sort of government would you choose?