Tuesday, October 29, 2013

October 30, 2013

You may now Sign up for Book of the Month
Schedule for the November Book of the Month: 
Receive assessment assignment on November 5 -- The focus is on THEME.
Sign up by November 7
The in-class assessment will be on November 25

Book genre for this time:  Either Fantasy or Science Fiction 
Next book genre:  Either Fantasy or Science Fiction (the one you didn't read in November) 

Get your book out, ready to read! Individual Reading Time 
Hang your cube if it isn't hung! 

B2 - L.I.V.E. WEEK lesson 

Book Recommendations

Finish watchingThe Outsiders
B1 from 1:30:00
B2 from  1:17:17
B3 from  Rumble -- Socs just arrive 1:27:00
B4 from  1:39:00

 The Outsiders
Finding Support for Theme

     A theme is a message about life or human nature presented within a piece of writing.  It is a BIG idea, one that applies universally. 

     The theme will usually be brought up in several different ways within that story.  A story usually has at least one theme.  However, it may have more than one theme.   You won't go far astray if you think of the theme as "a moral of the story." 

Johnny says, "There's still a lot of good in the world. Tell Dally.  I don't think he knows." 

To:  #1   Courtesy and propriety (honor, gallantry) can exist even among the most lawless of social groups.  

With: #2   Even though an individual's choices may make a tragedy possible, the tragedy is not necessarily that individual's fault.

By: The Rest!

Check for Theme

B2:  L.I.V.E. Week lesson:  Achieve and Strive for Success
S = Specific:    Define what you want to do as plainly and as specifically as possible.
M = Measurable:   Make it something you will know when you're done.
A = Achievable:   Your goal should be something within your power to accomplish.
R = Realistic:   Stretch yourself, but be realistic according to your resources.
T = Time-Bound:   Have a set time frame by which you will have completed the goal.

Write your goal down and refer to it often! Place it where you will see it and be reminded of it regularly.

If you were absent:

Just for fun:
What do ghosts eat in Italy?

How do you make a milk shake? 
Sneak up behind a glass of milk and yell, "Boo!"
