Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Thursday, October 3, 2013

  • Pick up your composition book.
  • If you handed in a hard copy of the book assignment, pick it up from the bottom wire basket for your class. Revise and resubmit as needed. 
  • Did you receive the new book assignment?
  • Have you signed up for and been approved for your September/October book? 

1. Individual Reading Time
     -- a few more students to the media center? 

Important! Your rough draft for your character 

cube is due next Wednesday!


CSI  American Fork

Now Investigating:  Conventions in Sentences Investigation 

Your task:
a. Label the page with today's date and copy this information into your composition book:

Reason #___   to Use Commas:
A. Between City and State or City and Country
Salt Lake City, Utah
Paris, France

When both a city's name and that city's state or country's name are mentioned together, the state or country's name is set off on both sides by a comma.
Examples: (copy two or more)
  • We visited Salt Lake City, Utah, last summer.
  • Paris, France, is sometimes called "The City of Lights."
  • She left the bank in Paris on July 1, 2008, for a job in Teller, Alaska.

  • He knew he was washed up in Bath, Maine, when his show was scrubbed.
  • Show me the St. Louis, Missouri, map.

B. Between  Date and Year
Note that we use a comma or a set of commas to set off the year when the date of the month is included:
(Remember: If there’s a comma before the year, put a comma after the year.)
  • Example: July 4, 1776, is regarded as the birth date of American liberty.
Without the date itself, however, the comma disappears:
  • Example: July 1776 was one of the most eventful months in our history.
  • Example:Her daughter April may return in June 2009 for the reunion.
In international or military format, no commas are used:
  • Example:The Declaration of Independence was signed on 4 July 1776.
Thank you to http://terriblywrite.wordpress.com/terribly-right-writing-for-the-web/top-5-comma-errors/ and http://www.grammarbook.com/punctuation/commas.asp

Play this comma game: 

Comma Swat

4. The Outsiders
B5   page 119. iTunes p. 110 Nightmare. . .,  15:15

B6 to   page 128  iTunes, p. 110 Nightmare. . . 


B7 to top of page 119,  iTunes p. 110 Nightmare. . .  ,  15:16

B8 to page 129,   p.110 Nightmare ,  33:52

Things were rough all over, but it was better that way.  That way you could tell the other guy was human too.  p. 118

"Thanks, grease," he said, trying to grin.  Then he stopped. "I didn't mean that.  I meant, thanks, kid." p. 117