Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Comma Sense: Why or Why Not with Adjectives?

Instructions: As a group, look at the following sentences.   What does each set of sentences have in common?  How do they use (or not use) adjectives (descriptive words) similarly? Take a stab at writing some rules for the adjectives below.

1. We were prepared for a long, tedious planning session.  
2.  Joe and Sam ate the delicious, fresh buttered popcorn.

3.  Ellen owns several blue wool sweaters.
4.  The girls bought ten pale yellow scarves.

5.  Jared traveled over several narrow, winding,
treacherous roads.

6.  Mowing the lawn on such a hazy, hot, humid day was no fun.

If you can do these, use a comma between series adjectives.
the “and” rule:  Try replacing the comma with the word “and.”  If it works, you probably need the comma.

change the order:  Try changing the order of the adjectives.  If it works, you probably need an adjective there.