Friday, December 27, 2013
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Friday, December 20, 2013
Monday, December 16, 2013
Friday, December 20, 2013
B5: Charity Basketball Games B5 -- Bring $1 for the game
Work on the Name Search before you go.
You may not take your backpack to the gym.
If you'll need to, use the bathroom or get a drink BEFORE you enter the gym.
Show courtesy and sportsmanship.
B6 - B8
Parts of Speech Review with Mad-Libs
Short Story
Practice Scanning and "Close Reading" with Name Search
Note to you: Try looking up something about Christmas on Google, and see what happens. At least it happens on Google Chrome.
Work on the Name Search before you go.
You may not take your backpack to the gym.
If you'll need to, use the bathroom or get a drink BEFORE you enter the gym.
Show courtesy and sportsmanship.
B6 - B8
Parts of Speech Review with Mad-Libs
Short Story
Practice Scanning and "Close Reading" with Name Search
Note to you: Try looking up something about Christmas on Google, and see what happens. At least it happens on Google Chrome.
Announcements and Reminders:
Today is the LAST DAY to hand in late or revised work or extra credit for this term. Don't forget to write your Letter About Literature and have it ready to hand in by January 7. It is about a book that has inspired or changed or impressed you. It could be one you especially connected with. It could be a book that started your love of reading -- or overcame --at least while reading it -- your dislike of reading.
Required Reading tab above. Here are the handouts:Letters About Literature-2014.docSample Letter.doc I will be here after school today for anyone who needs to make up a test or spelling or needs to work in the computer lab.
Have a wonderful Christmas holiday!
See you next year!
1. Individual Reading Time and Fill out your reading log.
2. Practicing recognizing and generating parts of speech Parts of Speech with Mad-Libs See these lists of nouns, adjectives, and verbs.3. Short Story with questions This version is condensed, and there are errors.4. More Mad-Libs, I mean parts of speech practice 5. Practicing the Reading Strategies called Scanning and Close Reading. (Word Search) |
If you were absent:
I hope you either had a good time or are feeling better. See the reminders above. |
Thursday – Friday without CAVE Time
1s Lunch 2nd Lunch
A1/ B5
A1/ B5
85 minutes
| |
A2/ B6
90 minutes
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A3/ B7
85 minutes
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A3/ B7
30 minutes
| |
A4 /B8
85 minutes
Updated 8/20/2013
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Announcements and Reminders:
Ms. Dorsey is available after school for test make-up for absent students.
Charity Basketball Games on Friday for B5. Fact or Opinion: 1. You need a dollar to get into the charity basketball games. 2. You really ought to go to the charity basketball games. 3. Jared said, "It is more fun to watch the boys' games than to watch the girls' games." 4. Once you are in there, you will not be allowed to leave the gym to go to the bathroom or get a drink. 5. People who boo at sporting events are bad people. So -- Have a dollar ready. Do not take a backpack. Use the bathroom or get a drink if needed before you go to the gym. Be sportsmanlike in your behavior. |
1. Individual reading and fill out the reading log.
2. Adjective and Commas Review 3. Fact/Opinion Quick Review 4. Adjective/ Coordinate Commas Final Test 5. Fact/Opinion Final Test 6. Media Center Survey 7. If time: Five Minute Mystery #8 Watch for Claim, Evidence, and Warrant. |
If you were absent:
Check the above. Ms. Dorsey is available after school for test make-up for absent students. |
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Monday, December 16, 2013
1. Individual reading and log. READ and fill out your log.
2. Coordinate Adjective practice -- "Order of Adjectives" worksheet. Each of you will take a worksheet, but you will work as partners to complete it. 3. Computer Lab: Finish Effects of TV Essay Sit in your assigned seat -- your folder number. |
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An Impressionist Painting |
1. Complete twenty minutes of at-home reading in your science fiction or fantasy book, and fill out the pink make-up log -- or use your own paper for date, book read, summary of what you read, how long, and parent signature.
2. Complete the commas and adjectives assignment: collective_word_order__adjectives.doc 2. Complete the Effects of TV essay from home on My Access. |
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Adjective Practice – Order Worksheet
Completed and checked front page. |
partially -- need more time/homework
Completed and checked front page. |
partially -- need more time
partially -- need more time
Stand-Up Sentence
x 2
x all
Thursday, December 12, 2013
More Coordinate and Cumulative Adjectives
1. The pianist played a beautiful haunting melody.
2. The cold December wind chilled me to my bones.
3. Let’s go catch the 8:00 show at that old drive-in movie theater.
4. I could really go for a hot delicious pepperoni pizza right about now.
1. Haunting and beautiful melody

Correct comma usage: The pianist played a beautiful, haunting melody.
2. December and cold wind

Correct Without Commas
3. Movie and drive-in theater

Drive-in and old movie theater

Correct Without Commas
4. Pepperoni and delicious pizza

Delicious and hot pepperoni pizza

Correct comma usage: I could really go for a hot, delicious pepperoni pizza right about now.
Ex: The dusty, heavy, red guitar is barely playable anymore.
Ex: We were prepared for a long, grueling basketball game.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
1. Reading your book and fill out log
2. Theme Test
3. More practice for Coordinate Adjectives -- The Coordinate Adjectives test will be given next time.
(The Fact and Opinion test will also be given next week.)
For next time:
TV Essay -- Reminders for next time: Have you done this? Is your score up to at least a 3.2?
Here is the outline for your essay on The Effects of TV: Essay Outline for Effects of TV.doc Argument Essay: Is Television Helpful or Harmful?Login Directions for MyAccess
The articles you were given:
If you were absent:
1. See me about a time to take the theme test. 2. Study coordinate adjective. More Coordinate and Cumulative Adjectives3. If you haven't done it yet,
TV Essay -- Reminders for next time: Have you done this? Is your score up to at least a 3.2 (C)?
Here is the outline for your essay on The Effects of TV: Essay Outline for Effects of TV.doc
Argument Essay: Is Television Helpful or Harmful?Login Directions for MyAccess
The articles you were given:
Adjective Practice – Order Worksheet
partially -- need more time/homework
partially -- need more time
partially -- need more time
Stand-Up Sentence
x 2
x all
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Fact or Opinion? - Flash Quiz
1. Coordinate adjectives are equal with each other and should be separated by a comma.
2. Coordinate adjectives work better at describing than do cumulative adjectives.
3. Gary Paulsen is a great writer, and he often uses coordinate adjectives.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Announcements and Reminders:
Next time: Post tests on coordinate adjectives, fact or opinion, and theme with evidence. Do not forget to write Santa Letters!
Do not forget that the LAST day to hand in late and
revised work for this term is December 20.
Do not forget to complete and submit your theme letter for the November Book Assessment. You already received a grading sheet twice. If you still need one, please print this: November Bk of Mon Directions.doc Do not forget to get your Effects of TV score up! We will be in Computer Lab 201 for Cave Time Tuesday (today) and Thursday. Are you working on your Letter About Literature letter for the December Book Assessment -- due January 7? Samples for Letters About Literature/ December Book Assignment
Book orders are due by December 20. They will come AFTER Christmas Break -- of course. If you need to make up spelling, here is the document: Commonly Confused Word Make-Up(4).doc |
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Cumulative Adjectives just pile up. It would sound strange to put "and" between them or to reverse them. They do not need commas between them. |
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Coordinate Adjectives are Equal. You could use "and" between them. You could reverse them. Place commas between them. |
B7 and B8 received their copies of the Royal Order of Adjectives chart. B5 and B6 had received theirs earlier.
Coordinate Adjectives and The Royal Order of Adjectives
For part of the practice test on coordinate adjectives/commas, the students looked in their own books for sentences that used cumulative or coordinate adjectives. I found some in a book I'm reading:
She went around to the back of the massive beige-colored brick building.
from Byrd and Igloo: A Polar Adventure page 6
In 1902, when Byrd was a skinny, freckle-nosed fourteen-year-old living in Winchester, Virginia, . . .
from Byrd and Igloo: A Polar Adventure page 9
Class Activities:
1. Practice with Coordinate Adjectives/Coordinate Commas 2. Individual Reading and fill out your reading log. 3. Practice for Theme and Evidence Test 4. Persuading Santa? (Prezi) 5. Fact or Opinion Review (PowerPoint) B7 and B8 went through the PowerPoint very, very quickly, and did not see the Persuading Santa Prazi. We did not use the flash quiz today. Fact or Opinion? - Flash Quiz |
If you were absent:
Here are our practice tests: Answer Keys for Practice Tests December 10, 2013If you need to review them more: Themes from The OutsidersReview Coordinate (Equal) Adjectives: Monday, December 2, 2013 Scroll down to the Royal Order of Adjectives.
adjectives: and Review Fact and Opinion: Fact or Opinion? What Makes Either? |
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