Sunday, December 15, 2013

Monday, December 16, 2013

Announcements and Reminders:

Do not forget to write Santa Letters!  

Charity Basketball Games B5 ONLY on Friday  -- Bring 

$1 for 
the game

Do not forget that the LAST day to hand in late and 

revised work for this term is December 20. 

Do not forget to complete and submit your theme 

letter for the November Book Assessment.  Turn in 

your packet to let me know you are ready for it to be 

graded.  You already received a grading sheet twice.  If you still need one, please print this: November Bk of Mon Directions.doc

Do not forget to get your Effects of TV score up! 

We will be in the computer lab to finish that essay 

on today. 

Full points will be for a score of 4.5.  Points above that will be extra credit. It should use essay organization, present effective reasoning, and be carefully revised and edited.  You will have two days after today  to complete it, if needed. Your final score will be the score earned by MyAccess by December 18.

Here is the outline for your essay on The Effects of TV: 

  Essay Outline for Effects of TV.doc 

Are you working on your Letter About Literature letter for 

the December Book Assessment -- due January 7?

Samples for Letters About Literature/ December Book Assignment

    • It is not a summary.  The author already knows the story.
    • Correspond, don’t compliment! Your letter should inform rather than flatter the author. All FAN letters will be eliminated!

If you finish your science fiction or fantasy book, you may

use the time for rereading the book you plan to use for 

your Letter About Literature.

Book orders are due by December 20.  They will come 

AFTER Christmas Break -- of course. 

1. Individual reading and log.  READ and fill out your log.
2. Coordinate Adjective practice -- "Order of Adjectives" worksheet.
      Each of you will take a worksheet, but you will work as partners to complete it.
3. Computer Lab:  Finish Effects of TV  Essay
      Sit in your assigned seat -- your folder number.

An Impressionist Painting 

1. Complete twenty minutes of at-home reading in your science fiction or fantasy book, and fill out the pink make-up log -- or use your own paper for  date, book read, summary of what you read, how long, and parent signature.

2.  Complete the commas and adjectives assignment: collective_word_order__adjectives.doc

2.  Complete the Effects of TV essay from home on My Access.

Adjective Practice – Order Worksheet
Completed and checked front page.
partially -- need more time/homework
Completed and checked front page.
partially -- need more time
partially  -- need more time
Stand-Up Sentence
x  2
x all