Thursday, September 23, 2010

September 27, 2010

1. Bell-Ringer:  

a. More on using colons.  

Read the passage and sentences below. Then write a paragraph or more in your composition book about candy -- or anything related to it -- anything that relates to the pieces you've just read. Use a sentence that has a colon and a list with commas.

We also enjoyed bragging about which of the penny candies we planned to snap up during our sweet-tooth runs to Suzy's Tiendita.  Inside the little store, in the presence of the tiny yet intimidating Suzy, we walked around in hushed reverence, debating the intrinsic value of candy cigarettes, wax bottles of sugary "soda water," and pastel necklaces made of sweet-tart gems.
     No expert appraiser at Tiffany in New York matched the intense squint of our eyes as we pushed and shoved each other out of the way, gazing hungrily at the tasty jewels encased in round glass jars topped with "fiesta red" lids.
    Our purchases safely stuffed into little brown paper bags, we exploded onto the dusty callecita of Alice, Texas. With our bare feet, we kicked up dusty clouds from the road as we walk to our Tia Elia's house, reverting to loud, boisterous "Tejano talk" we seemed to reserve only for members of our own family.  Oh, the fights over who had made the best purchase.  "Mira, mines is more sabroso than yours," a cousin would shout.  Another would counter with, "I'm gonna wear this candy necklace all day and then eat it after we have Tia Elia's calabaza con pollo. Ay, it looks like real jewels, right?"
     -- Mario Bosquez's The Chalupa Rules: A Latino Guide to Gringolandia (2005)

I couldn't wait to eat my favorite candies at the Sack-n-Pack: fire Jolly Rancher bars, pixie sticks, and grape Now or Laters.  (Anderson)
When it was time to go to the candy store, the hunt for loose change began: under the couch, between the cushions, beneath Dad's La-Z-Boy (especially there).  (Anderson)

A new sentence from Bosquez's story:
The tiendita was full of valuables: sweet-tart gem necklaces, candy cigarettes, wax bottles of sugary "soda water." (Anderson)

2.  Reading minute:  

3.  Reading:  Developing reading skills and learning literature terms and strategies. 

The Outsiders
Character and Conflict in Literature
* Don't forget to fill in your chart abut a character from The Outsiders.   If you were absent, pick up the chart from the file folders at the back of the room.

Today we read from The Outsiders: (the track and time information are notes for me, the teacher)
A1   Top of page 47 Disc 2, Track 1, minutes about 3:39? to
top of page 58, 21:02 (This class still needs to recreate the scene from The Outsiders.
A2   Top of page 47 Disc 2, Track 1, minutes about 3:39? to top of page 58, 21:02
A3  Top of page 47 Disc 2, Track 1, minutes about 3:39? to top of page 58, 21:02
A4   Top of page 47 Disc 2, Track 1, minutes about 3:39? to  bottom of page 55, 17:22 

4.  Spelling/Vocabulary:  Commonly confused words  --finish  posters.

Important reminders:
If you were absent when we went to the lab to take these tests,  you will need to take the MyAccess writing test in computer lab (Room 223) during one Cave Time, and the SRI in the computer lab during another.
If you were here and did not finish the SRI, you may finish it in the computer lab (Room 223)  during Cave Time. For the SRI, print your results and bring them to me.

Your Book-of-the-Month project was due on the 21st. 
There were retakes (for those who have already taken it)  of the teachers' names spelling test during Cave Time on September 17 and 23.

Make sure you're up-to-date on your composition book at The Composition Book -- So Far. 
Extra Credit:   Don't miss the opportunity for extra credit from memorizing the poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost.   Extra Credit Poem Memorization
Three points extra credit if you are among the first five students who can tell me the difference between "etc."  and "et al." 
Etc. vs. et al.? Use “etc.” when you’re listing things, and “et al” for people. Example: Paper, tape, etc. (other stuff) was donated by Dr. Jones, et al (meaning along with his co-workers or colleagues). "Et al." is the Latin abbr. for “et alia” meaning “and others,” the others being people and not things. Etc. (note this is NOT ect.) is from et cetera, meaning “and so on.”  Thanks to Brian P. Cleary.