Thursday, February 4, 2010

Ordering Books

Ordering online for Scholastic Book Clubs is set up for February.   Due February 12.

Link to Parent Ordering

Recommended books:
TAB Book Club

The Lightening Thief  # 41 (read it before you see the movie)  
      fits the genre for the March Book-of-the-Month

Dragon Slippers #24  Great fantasy by a Utah author  -- March genre

Any in the Uglies series #82  -- March genre

Candy Shop War #14  -- March genre

Inkheart books #35 -- March genre

Ghost of Spirit Bear #29  -- April Genre  -- Adventure (sequel to Touching Spirit Bear)

Bodies from the Ash #6  -- Pompeii  --  February genre

The Secrets of Alcatraz #48   -- February genre

Bury the Dead #12 -- February genre

ARROW Book Club

When You Reach Me  #87 (This is the book I'm reading next on my own.)  You could use this, too in March.

Knots in My Yo-Yo String  - #43- autobiography of Jerry Spinelli  -- February genre

Students on Strike: Jim Crow, Civil Rights, Brown, and Me  -- February genre