Friday, February 5, 2010

February 10/11, 2010

1. Spelling test on -ment words.
-ment means action, state of, result of
government, equipment, amendment, environment

Receive re-words for test on February 17/18.

Prefix to study:   re-  which means   again
1.    receive           extra credit:   (1 Point)   “ceive” is from the Latin capere “to take”
2.    review        extra credit:   (1 Point)   “view”  is from the Latin videre “to see”
3.    revise         extra credit:   (1 Point)   “vise”   is from the Latin videre “to see”
4.    revoke       extra credit:   (1 Point)   “voke”  is from the Latin vocare “to call” 

B4 did not receive the "re-"  words today.  However, they are available here, so you can start studying.  The test will still be on February 17/18.  

2. Persuasive writing about The Giver  -- What would you say to convince people to have or not have a community like that in The Giver? 

Your task to argue either 
    We should change our community to be more like that in The Giver in one or more ways.  (Security is more important the freedom.)

    The community in The Giver should change in one or more ways.   (Freedom is more important than security.)

Audience:  Either the leaders/elders or the people/community members. 

For links to handouts and model essays go to :
You'll find these items:  
Persuasive Writing Guide
Sentence Outline 
Writers' Models to show what it takes to receive the various scores. 

We are working on MyAccess 
user name:  firstnamestudentnumber
password: 999lastname

Prompt: An Important Issue -- HB Unit 5 Level B 

The last day to submit these essays is March 12, but sooner is much better.  No revision points will be given for essays submitted after March 4. 

Important Notice:   February Book
Nonfiction for the February (spilling into March) Book-of-the-Month --

Have your book to bring to class before or by February 19.  You may begin reading it before then. 
You will create at least one type of external text feature for your book.   See the post for February 12/16.