Vocabulary/Spelling #16 Test on February 10/11
Suffix to study: -ment which means action, state of, result of
Notice that -ment turns words (usually verbs) into nouns.
1. government gov - ern - ment
Extra credit: “Govern” comes from a Latin word meaning “to steer” as in steering a ship.
2. equipment e – quip – ment
Extra credit: “Equip” comes from an Old Norse (Scandinavia/Norwegian) word meaning “ship” because it originally had to do with fitting out (preparing everything needed for) a ship.
3. environment en-vi-ron-ment
Extra credit: “En” means “in.” “Viron” comes from “around, circle, turn.”
4. amendment a-mend-ment
Extra credit: “Amend” means to “correct, or to free from fault.”
Do you know about any of the amendments to the Constitution of the United States?
Ode to "-ment"
Modifying words into
For all the prefix/suffix spelling assignments, see http://cavemanenglish.pbworks.com/Prefixe-Suffixes-Spelling-Term-3
The Giver, chapters 17 - 20 = about 53 minutes
Today you'll be reading on your own and answering questions about what you read.
chapter 17 -- 13 minutes
chapter 18 -- 11
chapter 19 -- 10
chapter 20 -- 19