Wednesday, January 6, 2010

January 7/8, 2010

January 7/8, 2010

1. Self-starter:
a) In your composition book (under writing), write today’s date and title this “Themes in Words By Heart."
b) Explain how you feel about one of these statements:
"It is even more important to do the morally right thing than it is to stay alive."
"We should be understanding and forgiving no matter how badly people treat us."

These statements are themes that may be found in literature.
Each is stated as a complete sentence.

A theme is a big idea about life revealed in a piece of literature.
A theme is an idea or message about life, society, or human nature. Novels will usually express several themes.

c) Using the same theme you wrote about earlier, write about how the author of Words By Heart feels about that idea. How do you know?

(2) Spelling test for B1.

2/3. Finish Words By Heart

4. Words By Heart Video/107 minutes
B1 from minute  49  (Lena just confessed that she had taken the books. We see the grinding stone turning)
(58 minutes left for today)  Finished.

B2 from minute  1:10  Ben is at Hawks Hill camping out, to repair the fences for Ms. Chism.
(Book pages  108-110, 5th paragraph)
(37 minutes left for today)  Finished.

B4 from minute   1:12.  (Book pages  108-112, 1st paragraph)
(35 minutes left for today)  Finished.

A1  from minute 1:03 -- looking out the window for Mrs. Chism's dinner party  (44 minutes)

A2 from minute ? 

A4  from minute   1:02.  (45 minutes)