Wednesday, January 20, 2010

January 22/25, 2010

January 22/25, 2010

Spelling/Vocabulary test:
Test on January 22/25
Suffix to study:   -ly which means "in the manner of" (adverb)
1.    sincerely       extra credit: < L sincerus pure, clean, untainted
2.    usually
3.    finally
4.    carefully
5.    immediately

Extra credit also available for writing our three school DRSLs  as expressed on the mural in the commons area of our school.  Each is a phrase with a verb and an "-ly" adverb.

New words:

Vocabulary/Spelling #15             Test on February 1/2
 Prefix to study:   pre -  which means   before
1.    preposition
2.    preview
3.    predict
4.    precede

extra credit: 

"-dict" means say (dicere), speak, said, word (dictio), as in predict, diction, dictionary
"-cede" means  to go (cēdere)
"fix" means to fasten or to place 

For all the prefix/suffix spelling assignments, see

Read more of The Giver  -- Asking Questions  QARs

B1  to page 88, beginning chapter 12.  Begin disc 2, track 12
B2 to page 93, 1/2 way down, end of disc 2  Begin next time on disc 3
B4 to page 92 "That's why I was one minute late."  disc 2, just to track 13.
A2  to track 7, begin chapter 10
A4  to track 6, 6:47, page 69

About Themes and  your Book-of-the-Month Assignment -- You'll be typing this next time.