Thursday, January 21, 2010

January 26/27, 2010

January 26/27, 2010

Receive Spelling Words for February 1/2
Vocabulary/Spelling #15             Test on February 1/2
 Prefix to study:   pre -  which means   before
1.    preposition
2.    preview
3.    predict
4.    precede

extra credit: 
"-dict" means say (dicere), speak, said, word (dictio), as in predict, diction, dictionary
"-cede" means  to go (cēdere)
"fix" means to fasten or to place 

For all the prefix/suffix spelling assignments, see

Type your
Book-of-the-Month Assessment  in the computer lab.

Make sure you have your theme chart(s) checked off by the teacher.

 Those students who came unprepared either read their books and filled out their charts, or were assigned a story to write about. They still need to complete the MyAccess assignment about their Book-of-the-Month.
Today's assignment and Additional assignment for unprepared students.

If you didn't type your essay in class today, do it right away during Cave Time or from home. 
If you did, you may continue to revise during Cave Time or from home. 

Theme in Literature Assignment
A theme is the main message a reader can learn about life or human nature from a literary piece.  From the book you have read as your individual book this month, identify a theme that the reader may learn from the story.  In a well-organized essay, describe this theme.  Use textual examples from the story to support your ideas and explain how they support the theme.

As you write, remember your essay will be scored based on how well you:

  • develop a multi-paragraph response to the assigned topic that clearly communicates your thesis to the audience.

  • support your thesis with meaningful examples and references from the text, carefully citing any direct quotes.

  • organize your essay in a clear and logical manner, including an introduction, body, and conclusion.

  • use well-structured sentences and language that are appropriate for your audience.

  • edit your work to conform to the conventions of standard American English.

  • Use any of the tools available to you, such as the Checklist, Spellchecker, or Graphic Organizer.  You may also look at essays that are examples of those that would receive various grades.
    Full points (A+) this time will be a 4.5 or 45 points.  Our class average on MyAccess essays is 82% of that 4.5 goal. 

    You will be expected to revise this piece.