Saturday, September 2, 2017

Wednesday/Thursday, September 6/7, 2017

Announcements and Reminders:
We are on a Cavetime Schedule.
 September 6: Today A Day students have a substitute teacher.   Our English Department teachers -- including Ms. Dorsey -- are working together to determine how we can best teach you this year! No Cavetime today.  

Test Today!

Don't forget to study for your spelling test on September 6/7: 
Use this document to list your spelling words for our first test:  Personal Spelling Quiz List.doc
Here are some suggestions for studying:  Procedure for Studying Spelling Words.doc

This list may be helpful in gathering your spelling information: Teacher List.docx

Targets for Today:

I can spell words that I need to use for school and in other places.
I can notice how a sentence is put together correctly and effectively.
I can understand how characters in a novel are presented to the reader.
I can read and comprehend nonfiction.

Today’s  Agenda:

1. Prepare for the spelling test.  You may study with a neighbor. 
Use periods after the honorifics:  Mr.  Ms.  
For Mr. White and Ms. Ward, you may call them Coach White and Coach Ward. 
Use the titles of the subjects on the white list I provided.
Do not use abbreviations except for "UT" in the address.  

2. Take the spelling test.
         Testing conditions:  no talking or otherwise communicating with other students -- until the teacher says the testing time is done, everything off your desk except your pen or pencil, make sure any study materials are put away entirely.

      When you are done, turn your test over and quietly read. 

3.  CSI Sentence

Conventions in Sentences Investigations 
Copy this sentence into your composition book under 
CSI Sentences/Grammar.  Page 83
Label this CSI #2 and add today's date. 

“He had an elfish face, with high cheekbones and a pointed chin, small, sharp animal teeth, and ears like a lynx.”  S.E. Hinton   The Outsiders, p. 10

Write down three or more things you notice about the sentence (English class things such as punctuation, spelling, parts of speech, sentence type, etc.  The sentence is correct – no errors in it, I hope.) 

4. Create a chart for the characters introduced in chapter 1 of The Outsiders. 

Start this list on page 33 of your composition book, and leave about three lines between the characters' names.

Reading Response Log                                                                                        33








5. Read Chapter 1 of The Outsiders and fill in the chart.
A1 read to page 16.
A2 finished the chapter.
B5 read to page 11, "Maybe that's why Dallas was so bitter."  
B7 read to page 9, "Soda doesn't think I'm a kid."

6.  If time, read a nonfiction article and answer the questions about it. 

If You Were Absent:

Take the spelling test during Cavetime.
Write the CSI sentence and your "noticings" on a piece of paper to tape into your composition book, or do it when you get back.
Fill out the chart in your composition book when you return.
Read chapter 1 of the Outsiders to catch up with the class. 


fiction:  made up, imagined stories
nonfiction:  factual, real stories