Monday, February 20, 2017

Wednesday/Thursday, February 20/21, 2017

Announcements and Reminders:
LIVE Week Lesson?

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.  Video about LIVE Week -- Helping Refugees

Work Due -- If you haven't handed it in ----
As soon as possible, print your book of the month assessment, staple it to the front of the rubric, and hand it in.  Also share the document with Ms. Dorsey. 
  • Before you print, make sure you have completed all the parts of the assignment, including your five facts with explanation and citations; 
  • an explanation of why your particular book is fictional; 
  • and a comparison/contrast between your experiences reading the fictional and nonfiction account of this issue or event. 
  • Don't forget to sign if you've read the whole thing! 

Targets for Today:

I can read for enjoyment.
I can pay careful attention and learn how to register for 8th grade.
I can read to understand, to recognize elements of literature, and to consider ideas.

Today’s  Agenda:

1. Individual Reading
2. Counseling with Registration for 8th Grade.

3. Reading from A Long Walk to Water, and answering questions from the book.
Study Packet for A Long Walk to Water.docx

Protagonist or Antagonist?

If You Were Absent:

Pick up a registration worksheet from Ms. Dorsey or from the counseling office.
Come in during Cavetime or after school to catch up on reading A Long Walk to Water.
Study Packet for A Long Walk to Water.docx
