and Reminders:
Today: Spelling test with all words from this term including our newest words: board/bored, principle/principal.
The overall spelling test will be on January 7/8.
If you haven't reached 100% on the Argument Terms test yet, come in during Cavetime on Friday, or after school Thursday or Friday. Quizlet for argument vocabulary: Or see: Argument
PowerPoint: Argument Writing Vocabulary.pptx
Targets for Today:
Writing Standard 1 Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. Students will recognize the parts of an argument essay, and be able to write a basic argument essay. Language Standard 2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. Students will be able to spell many of the commonly confused words that seventh graders should know and check for in their writing. |
Today’s Agenda:
For A1:
1. Read, Think, and Write: Prewrite and Write
A Burning Issue! Write this in your composition book under "Notes and Quickwrites."
Informal citation: According to the Association of Disgruntled Students, eighty-five percent of middle school and high school students do not get the recommended amount of sleep.
Parenthetical citation: Eighty-five percent of middle school and high school students do not get the recommended amount of sleep (Schools Should Start Later).
Making new year's resolutions is helpful. or Making new year's resolutions is harmful.
2. Term 2 Overall Spelling Test
3. Look at another Example of an Argument Essay Model Essay on another subject to review:
4. Work on the essay you are writing on your graphic organizer.
For B5, B6, B7:
1. Finding and using evidence from a source.
b. With your elbow partner, mark up ONE set of the articles. -- Write both your names at the top of each paper. -- Highlight in green information that is For being able to take your own food into movie theaters. -- Highlight in red information that is Against being able to take your own food into movie theaters. Debate: When you use information from an article, begin with - "According to. . . . " " _________ has stated that. . . " "____________ quotes __________ as saying that. . . " or a similar phrase.
2. Term 2 Overall Spelling Test
3. Work on the essay you are writing on your graphic organizer.
If You Were
See above. Arrange to take the tests right away if you haven't.