There will be
no Cave Time on Thursday, March 13 or Friday, March
in Ms. Dorsey’s Classroom.
Please make sure you’ve handed in any late or
revised work
(or extra credit)
for Term 3 by the end of the day
on Friday.
Today’s Agenda:
1. Individual reading and sign up for your March book if you have not. If you have lost your assignment sheet and sheet of questions for the March Book of the Month Assignment, see the Required Reading tab above. You can download those papers from there -- or here: March Book Assessment 2014.doc Examples for the book project: Your March Book Project 2. Begin writing your Gettysburg Essay. Read the Prompt and information about it. Write step-by-step in the essay packet. 3. Read from How They Croaked and answer questions about the chapters: Cleopatra and Christopher Columbus. 4. (If time) Play Sparkle to practice your commonly confused spelling words. |
If you were absent: You can download and print these documents to use.