Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Lie/Lay Quizzes

Confusing Words :  Lie/Lay Quiz 1
Use these forms of the confusing verbs lie and lay correctly in the following sentences:
Lie,   lay,   lain,   lying,  lay,   laid,   laid,   laying

1. “My Bonnie ____________(s) over the ocean. 
      My Bonnie _____________(s) over the sea, . . .”

2.  “Now I _____________________ me down to sleep”

3. Jonas was ___________________ (use an “ing” word) on the grass, as he felt the warm sunshine.  

4.  Father was _______________________ (use an “ing” word) the newchild into the basket.

A4 to here. ----------------------------

5.   Yesterday, the Giver ___________________ his hands on Jonas’ back.

Use these forms of the confusing verbs lie and lay correctly in the following sentences:
Lie,   lay,   lain,   lying,  lay,   laid,   laid,   laying

6.   I have ___________________ on the deck by the pool until I was badly sunburned.

7.   The bricklayers have ____________________ five rows of bricks for our new gate. 

8.   I love to _______________________ looking up at the stars on a clear summer night.

9.   It’s time to _____________________ down our weapons and sign a peace agreement. 

10.   If you’re just going to _____________________ down on the job, you won’t get paid.  

Is it a fact? or an opinion?  Write F or O.
  1. We shouldn't have to go to school at all that last week of May.
  2. Schools are required by law to meet a certain number of days every year. 
  3. Mrs. Fugal thinks we should skip spring break and get out a week earlier at the end of the school year. 

A1, A3  did (not game)  all ten.

Confusing Words :  Lie/Lay  Quiz 2

Use these forms of the confusing verbs lie and lay correctly in the following sentences:
Lie,   lay,   lain,   lying,  lay,   laid,   laid,   laying

11. Zeus is a smart dog. If you tell him to _____________down, he will.   

12. Zeus likes to _______________ around in the kitchen.

13. Sometimes he gets in the way of the cook, so we tell him to go and _____________ down.

14. We _______________ his bed in the corner of the family room so that he can watch everyone.

15. Occasionally, he sneaks into the kitchen and helps himself to something on the counter. We yell at him and then he ________________under the dining table.  

16. Once we saw him ___________________under the dining table and immediately knew something was wrong. 

17. He had eaten all the freshly-baked, chocolate-chip cookies ________________ on the counter .

18. When I was laid up for three months after a car-accident, Zeus stayed with me constantly.  ("Laid Up" is an idiom.)

19. Zeus faithfully ________________ by me while I was recovering.

20. Every morning, he got the newspaper and ________________________ it at my feet.  

21. We had Zeus for nine wonderful years.  He  had never ___________________ down on the job.  

22. Last week,  we ___________________ him to rest.  It was a sad day.