Monday, December 3, 2012

December 4/5, 2012 Tuesday/Wednesday

1. iRead/Presentations of SSR:

2. iWrite:  Fill out the Student Teacher Evaluation 

3. The Giver 

4. Computer Lab:
Type up your argument essay.  Bring your rough draft.
If you have extra time, take the Edmodo quizzes.  

Important Notices: 
If you want to participate in the Great Behavior Drawing, make sure your final draft is done and turned in by Thursday or Friday. 
On Thursday and Friday we will have a Publication Party for those who have turned in their Argument Essay Final Draft. 
On Thursday and Friday we will also have the Great Behavior Drawing.

For Basic 8, Book 4, see Required Reading: Two Books Per Term

From Ms. Dorsey: 
If you haven't, you really ought to read Tuesdays at the Castle (and the Dragon Slippers series, and anything by Jessica Day George!
Jessica Day George's very magical, very exclusive HOLIDAYS AT THE CASTLE: A TUESDAYS AT THE CASTLE SHORT STORY, is available FREE. Just click, and the story will download ... a bit like magic, no?

Ms. Dorsey will be sending in a book order this week.  Hurry if you'd like to buy books.  You can either bring a check or order online using group code GKLJW at 

The Giver:

Extra Credit:  See Ms. Dorsey to pass off any of the poems.

Find errors in published work. Show Ms. Dorsey or Ms. Bills.

Also: Extra Credit

Extra Credit Poems

Extra Credit: Nothing in Heaven Functions As It Ought