Thursday, December 27, 2012

Back to School in January 2013

By the end of the term:
1.  Expect a practice test and a final test on your prefixes and suffixes.  Use your magical study guide to prepare, or just study this chart:

Prefixes and Suffixes Chart 2011   -- This is a file to download.

2.  There will be more instruction on writing a complete paragraph, with emphasis on comparing and contrasting, and you will take a final test on that.  

3.  Your Basic 8, Book 4 project is due on the 7th (A-Day) and 8th (B-Day).  Have it ready to hand in.  

Here is your assignment: 

Fantasy-Sci Fi BOM Assignment 2012-12.doc

4.  Make sure you've completed and handed in any late or revised assignments by January 7th, which is the last day to hand in late or revised work.