Sunday, November 4, 2012

Wednesday/Thursday, November 7/8, 2012

iRead and Fill out the Reading Log

iWrite: My Assignment 11/7 or 11/8

For today’s iWrite I want you to write a reaction to the assignment you’ve been given. Imagine our society is like Jonas’ and this assignment is expected to be your purpose in life until you die.


Is this job important to Jonas’ community? Would it be important in our community?

Is this job a good fit for me? Why or why not?

Give a good reason for communities to assign roles.

Give a good reason for communities to allow its members to choose their own jobs.

What evidence do you have to support some of your reasons? Are you really good at something else? Have you noticed that people typically excel at things they enjoy?

Topic/Theme PowerPoint


Basic 8, Book #3

 Fantasy and Science Fiction Novels

Defining Fantasy and Science Fiction

Books Not Allowed for the Outside Reading Assignment


Extra Credit:  See Ms. Dorsey to pass off any of these.

Extra Credit Poems

Extra Credit: Nothing in Heaven Functions As It Ought