- Spelling Test on "extra-" and the words that go with it.
Prefix to study: extra- which means beyond or outsideWords to learn for the spelling test:1. extraterrestrial2. extraordinary3. extravagant4. extrovertYou are responsible for learning the prefix and the spelling words.
Extra Credit: Learn the underlined parts:terra: earth, so extraterrestrial means beyond or outside earthordinem: "order." extra ordinem = "out of order," especially the usual order, so extraordinary means beyond or outside the usual orderextravagant: vagārī “to wander,” so extravagant means to wander beyond or outsidevert: turn, so extrovert means to turn beyond or outsideJust so you know, an extrovert is someone who is turned outside of themselves.An introvert is someone who is turned inward.An extrovert is outgoing, and an introvert is shy.
_____________________________________________Our next spelling test:
Vocabulary/Spelling #4 Test on December 9, 2011
Suffix to study: -ate which means cause, make, operate upon (This suffix makes verbs.)
Words to learn for the spelling test:
1. separate
2. create (on state list)
3. segregate
4. dominate
No retakes will be available, so study the words and word parts sets as they come.Extra credit for spelling #4 -ate Learn the underlined portions below:
1. The se- in separate means "apart." So separate means to cause to be apart.
2. The crea- in create means "to make." So create means cause or operate on to make.
3. The "greg" in segregate means "flock." So segregate means cause to be apart from the flock.
4. The "domin" in dominate means "master or control." So dominate means operate on as (or to) master or control.
- Finish PowerPoint about governments and taking notes. Learn about types of Governments
PowerPoint and worksheet Types of Governments.ppt FormsofGovernment.doc
4. The Ceremony of Twelve.
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