Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Friday, November 4, 2011

1. Write about candy!  See Wednesday, November 2, 2011.

Last time:  
A1 received candies, made booklets, got into assigned groups, collected  words,   got started on topic sentence

A2 got into groups, made booklets

A3  got into groups,  viewed/helped with model paragraph

A4  got into groups, viewed, noticed things about a model paragraph

This time you will receive candy (a Jolly Rancher and a Starburst), if you didn't last time.

-- create a  small booklet, folded out of one sheet of paper

-- collect adjectives to use

-- create a contrast paragraph step-by-step focusing on differences between the two candies

 Students will work in small groups, helping each other,  and will have about twenty minutes to complete the activity. 

Sample Paragraph for Candy-Contrast

Added 11-7-11: 

Model Paragraphs for Starburst/Jolly Rancher Contrast

At this link you'll find paragraphs that were written by students on November 4, 2011.


2. Computer Lab 211 --
Select a narrative prompt to write about.  Write your best essay or story.
You may submit and final submit as many times as you wish.

My Access for November 4


1.  Today November book orders are due.
If you'd like to order Scholastic Books online, and benefit our classroom, go to register, and enter code GKLJW.
2.  Spelling test on November 10!  See the links below:

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Prefix bi-

3.  Another note:  Our school PTSA book fair will be held  November 29-30 and December 1.  Parents, be sure to stop by during the Parent Teacher Conference on December 1st.