Thursday, November 10, 2011

Paragraph Make-Up Assignment

If you'd like to make-up points from the paragraph booklet, here's what you do:

1. Pick up a sheet for another paragraph booklet from the folders at the back of the room, or download and print this document: Paragraph booklet one column.doc
2. Acquire either two different types of cookies or two different types of crackers or a cracker and a cookie.
3.  Collect words in the word collector on your booklet to describe your two items.

 4.  Write
          1)  a topic sentence which contrasts the two items
                          For example, "Hot chocolate and orange soda provide two very different drinking experiences." 
          2)  three or more supporting detail sentences which contrast the two items
                        For example, if I were contrasting two different drinks such as hot chocolate and orange soda, I could contrast
                -- the temperature at which people drink them (The hot chocolate is just that -- hot, while soda is best served cold.)
                -- the feel or texture of each (The hot chocolate smoothly glides through your mouth.  On the other hand, the soda bubbles and fizzes against your lips and in your mouth.)
               --  the color (My favorite hot chocolate is a rich deep brown topped with clouds of white whipped cream.  Orange soda, in contrast, is a vibrant orange color.)
              -- how they are served  (A generously sized mug holds the chocolate with whipped cream, but the soda is best from an ice cold and crystal clear glass bottle, just opened.)

         3)  a concluding sentence that sums up and wraps up.
                           For example:
                           Though hot chocolate and orange soda are different in temperature, texture, color, and in how they are served, both can quench your desire for a delicious drink.

        4)  Decide on the transitions you will use to make clear relationships between sentences and between ideas.    Transition Words for Comparison/Contrast Paragraphs
       5)  Write the whole paragraph out, including effective transitions.
                 You may use the back of the paper if you need more room for writing.  Clearly indicate it if you have done that.

6.  Edit your work for capitalization, end punctuation, and spelling (especially your commonly confused words).
7. Make sure your name and class period are on the paper, that you have written all parts of the assignment, and that you have clearly named the types of cookies or crackers you have used for this assignment.

8.   Hand in by next Wednesday, November 16 for points.

        Hot chocolate and orange soda provide two very different drinking experiences for several reasons.   First, the hot chocolate is just that -- hot, while soda is best served cold.  Next, the hot chocolate smoothly glides through your mouth.  On the other hand, the soda bubbles and fizzes against your lips and in your mouth.  Color is another difference.  My favorite hot chocolate is a rich deep brown topped with clouds of white whipped cream.  Orange soda, in contrast, is a vibrant orange color.  Also, a generously sized mug holds the chocolate with whipped cream, but the soda is best from an ice cold and crystal clear glass bottle, just opened.  Though hot chocolate and orange soda are different in temperature, texture, color, and in how they are served, either can quench your desire for a delicious drink.