Friday, October 14, 2011

My Access for November 4

Select one of these two prompts and type the best essay you can.

A Fantastic Day! - HB Unit 1 Level B

Write a fantasy story for your class to read.  Write about a normal, daily event that turns into something that could not really happen.

As you write, remember your story will be scored based on how well you:

·  develop a multi-paragraph response to the assigned topic that clearly communicates the purpose of your story to the audience.
·  describe the characters, setting, and conflict using meaningful sensory descriptions and details that enable the reader to visualize the experiences in your narrative.
·  organize your story in a clear and logical manner, including a beginning, middle and end.
·  use well-structured sentences and language that are appropriate for your audience.
·  edit your work to conform to the conventions of standard American English.

Use any of the tools available to you, such as the Checklist, Spellchecker, or Graphic Organizer.

Copyright © Hampton-Brown.  This High Point Unit Test Prompt is used in MY Access!® with permission from Hampton-Brown.  Essays submitted for this prompt will be scored against the appropriate MY Access!® rubric.


A Vivid Childhood Memory
We all have experienced something in our childhood that has impacted our lives.  Think of a vivid memory from your childhood.  Do you remember the first time you rode a school bus?  Do you remember your first best friend?  Do you remember when you learned to ride a bicycle?  Do you remember the first time you earned enough money to buy something that you really wanted?

In a multi-paragraph essay, narrate the events related to a vivid childhood memory.  Be sure to use details and examples so that your readers will be able to visualize the experience and understand what makes your memory so important.
As you write your story, think about these questions:
·  did you write a story about the assigned topic?
·  did you use details to describe the characters, places, and events?
·  did you organize your story clearly with a beginning, middle and end?
·  did you use a variety of words and well-written sentences?
·  did you use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation?
Use any of the tools available to you, such as the Checklist, Spellchecker, or Graphic Organizer.

You are not limited on the number of times you revise, edit, and final-submit.