Monday, October 3, 2011

List of Character Traits

Character Traits – List 2

Characters (and real-life people) have unique attributes called traits. Use the following list of character traits as a guideline when writing book reports and essays about the different characters you've read about. Don't stop with this list, though; you can probably think of many more terms to describe your characters.

# Honest
# Light-hearted
# Leader
# Expert
# Brave
# Conceited -- Humble
# Mischievous
# Demanding
# Thoughtful
# Keen
# Happy
# Disagreeable -- Agreeable
# Simple
# Fancy
# Plain
# Excited
# Studious
# Inventive
# Creative
# Thrilling
# Independent
# Intelligent
# Compassionate
# Gentle
# Proud
# Wild
# Messy
# Neat
# Joyful
# Strong

# Bright
# Courageous
# Serious
# Funny
# Humorous
# Sad
# Poor
# Rich
# Tall
# Dark
# Light
# Handsome
# Pretty
# Ugly
# Selfish
# Unselfish
# Self-confident
# Respectful
# Considerate
# Imaginative
# Busy
# Patriotic
# Fun-loving
# Popular
# Successful
# Responsible
# Lazy
# Dreamer
# Helpful
# Simple-minded

# Humble
# Friendly
# Short
# Adventurous
# Hard-working
# Timid
# Shy
# Bold
# Daring
# Dainty
# Pitiful
# Cooperative
# Lovable
# Prim
# Proper
# Ambitious
# Able
# Quiet
# Curious
# Reserved
# Pleasing
# Bossy
# Witty
# Fighter
# Tireless
# Energetic
# Cheerful
# Smart
# Impulsive
# Loyal

Character Traits list from

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Enrichment:  Extra Information about Adjectives:

Character Traits and Adjectives

  Previously published 10/2/10