Saturday, April 16, 2011

Reminder of Term 4 Targets

Book-of-the-Month:  Sign up for your book by April 7.  Be half-way through reading it or so by April 18, and bring it to class all that week and the next so you are prepared to do some in-class activities with the book.  The book for this time should be contemporary realistic fiction: a novel that could happen in our time, but is a fictional (made-up) story.  Select a book that has 100 pages or more and that you have not read before.  

Contemporary Realistic Fiction 

Reminder of Term 4 Targets  -- You received this list in class on March 30.
    We will be taking the State Core Test this term (the last week of April).  Improve your score by reviewing and learning these items.
To download and print this list, click on the link here:
Preview of Term 4 Targets.doc
  1. Review prefixes and suffixes and associated words.  Prefixes and Suffixes Chart 2010 
  2. Test your knowledge of external text features
External Text Features:   Examples of External Text Features
Make sure you can recognize 
captions  (tell you about photos, pictures, other illustrations)
graphs and charts  -- a graph is a drawing illustrating the relations between certain quantities plotted with reference to a set of axes --
tables -  A table presents information in rows and columns.
table of contents -- found at the beginning of a book, it is a list of divisions (chapters or articles) and the pages on which they start
index -- (in a nonfiction book, monograph, etc.) a more or less detailed alphabetical listing of names, places, and topics along with the numbers of the pages on which they are mentioned or discussed, usually at the back of the book. --
glossary -- 1.  a list of terms in a special subject, field, or area of usage, with accompanying definitions.

2.  such a list at the back of a book, explaining or defining difficult or unusual words and expressions used in the text. --
titles -- the distinguishing name of a book, poem, picture, piece of music, or the like. --
headings -- a main division, as of a  book, lecture, speech, essay, etc. --
subheadings --   Subheadings are titles that divide part of a piece of writing into shorter sections. --
bolded words  -- (also called bold face)   a weight of type characterized by thick heavy lines --

    external text feature test.ppt  This is the test we already took. 

  1. Review commonly confused words.  confused words chart.doc
  2. Using Apostrophes to Show Possession

  3. Lie and Lay 

    Lie and Lay

  4. Internal Text Structures   

    chronological, sequence, description 

    Slide show from April 1 ( internal text structures.ppt ) for -- 
    Descriptive   Description Internal Text Structure
    Chronological  Chronological Internal Text Structure
    Sequence   Sequence Internal Text Structure

  5. Main Idea, Important Details,  Summarizing

         Also writing paragraphs:  Transition Word List from Ms John.doc

    Play some very simple games with recognizing main idea:


  6. Writing complete, correct sentences, and how to fix sentence fragments and achieve sentence variety.    Clauses and "Is it a complete sentence?"

    9.  Using context clues of definition and explanation to figure out what a word means.

            Context Clues for Seventh Grade

    10.  Review commas in a series.  

    Example:  The orange highlighted part shows commas in a series.

    "Adverbs, words that describe or add information to verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, should be used sparingly."  

           For more information on Parts of Speech, go to  Parts of Speech.

    Game with Commas in a Series

    Remember this?   Commas in a Series -- What's Different?

    11.  Review parts of a story: exposition, rising action, climax, and falling action. 

    12.  Review how we learn about a character in a story:  through his or her speech, actions, appearance, thoughts, and through what others say about that character.  

    13.  Review figurative language used in writing, especially simile and metaphor. 

    Glossary of Literary Terms

    Narrator in Literature

    14.  Consider more how to choose the best word to use by recognizing shades of meaning.  

    Is the water she spilled on her lap tepid, warm, hot, or scalding?  That would make a difference! 

    Is that person you're going to the jewelry store with your friend,  your helper, or your accomplice.  That could make a difference to you, and, in the case of the last word, to the police! They're all people you could hang out with, but have different shades of meaning.

    Shades of Meaning

    15.  Review effective research and reporting (inquiry), including asking questions, using reference books and reliable sources, and using informal citation.

    16.  We'll also look at more poetry and at author's and reader's purpose.   


    Here is a link about narrator:   Narrator in Literature

    And here are some links about theme:

    More About Theme

    Topic and Theme

    Another example of Theme

    Examples of Theme from Movies

    Student Examples for Themes

    More Examples of Theme from Students

     Student Example for Essay about Theme


    Links about simile and metaphor: 

    Figurative Language

    Chart for Examples and Non-Examples of Simile and Metaphor


    And here are more links about simile and metaphor:


    Using strong verbs:

    Verbs -- Strong and Weak




    Originally published in March, 2011