Saturday, March 26, 2011

Internal Text Structures

Internal Text Structures
If you're confused, hopefully this will help.

Utah State Core
Standard 1 (Reading): Students will use vocabulary development and an understanding of
text elements and structures to comprehend literary and informational grade level text.
Objective 2b. Comprehend text using internal text structures and their appropriate cue words and phrases (i.e., chronological, sequence, and description).

Internal Text Structure describes how a text is organized. Text Structure is tied to the purpose of a text. For instance, if I want to tell a story in time or chronological order, I would use a chronological text structure. If I wanted to describe something, I would use a description text structure. Most of the time, authors use more than one structure in one piece of writing. However, usually each piece of writing is mostly one type of structure.

You can usually spot a text structure by looking for transition words used in a piece of writing.

Sequence and Chronological Patterns both may use these transition or signal words:
first, second, third, then, next, later, after, finally, etc.

Description may use such words as these:
such as, for instance, for example, and space-relationship words such as by, near, next to, far from, etc.