Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Examples of Comparison and Contrast Paragraphs

Sample Comparison Paragraph
    There are three important similarities between The Eastern Woodland Peoples and the Northwest Coast Peoples. First of all, neither group had a written language. The Iroquois relied on oral storytelling to recall their history. Similarly, The Nootka used totem poles and spoken words to tell their story. A second similarity is the way these First Nations traveled in their territory. Both groups relied on canoes- birch bark in the east and cedar in the west. Finally, like the majority of First Nations, both had a respect for nature not found in Western cultures. For example, during a hunt, the hunter would make an offering to the dead animal. He thanked the animal for giving up his life. He hoped the animal would let the other animals know of his generosity so that they would give their lives in the future. In sum, there are many commonalities among first nations despite diverse environments and great distances.

Transitions in the above paragraph include first of all, a second similarity, finally, and in sum.

Sample Contrast Paragraph
My Dogs

     Although I raised Marcee and Obbie from puppies, they have completely diverse personalities. Obbie is a six year old, male, toy Pomeranian whereas Marcee is a one year old, female, Boston terrier. Obbie is small and soft, unlike Marcee who has bristly hair and is much bigger. Marcee insists on sleeping on the bed, under the covers every night. On the other hand, Obbie will only sleep on the floor, under the bed. Obbie is tremendously loyal and uptight; however, Marcee is hyper and friendly to anyone she meets or sees. Around other dogs, Marcee cowers to the larger dog, yet Obbie will always stand his ground, never giving up until he is scolded. Given that they were both treated the same way all their life, it is hard to believe that they are so different in everything they do.
~© 2005 Kayla Marie Anfinson~ found at http://english120.pbworks.com/w/page/19006879/FrontPage

Transitions in the above paragraph include whereas, unlike, on the other hand, however, yet.

Orange indicates the topic sentence.
Blue is for the concluding sentence -- the clincher.
The green and yellow show the first and second items being compared or contrasted. 

Transitions in the Comparison Paragraph include first, second, finally, and in sum.  
Transitions in the Contrast Paragraph are whereas, on the other hand, however,  unlike, and yet.