Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011

March Book-of-the-Month: Nonfiction (including biography, autobiography, single-subject nonfiction books not including how-to books)  Deadline for your project: March 22 (You may have a little time in the computer lab on March 16.)  
Signing up for your book is due by March 11. 
Your assignment is to read your book and create for it an external text feature it does not already have.   See the tab above for Book-of-the-Month.

Your comparing and contrasting paragraphs should be done and handed in or posted on the wiki.  The yellow papers are in the folders at the back of the room.  If you'd rather do it on the wiki, and you don't already have a page, ask me to make one for you.
This was our final assessment on Words By Heart. It is also a final assessment on writing paragraphs. You may revise and resubmit, if you resubmit with the papers/paragraphs that were already graded. This must be done by March 18. 

Two comparingcontrasting paragraphs.doc

7th Grade Paragraph Rubric General.doc

Here is a site that gives clear explanations of writing comparing and contrasting paragraphs.

Examples of Comparison and Contrast Paragraphs


Bell-Ringer:  Subject-Verb agreement and journal entry
Subject-Verb Agreement:  When Prepositional Phrases Confuse the Issue
Here is the handout: SV Agree with Prep Phrases.doc


A great grammar link (with some errors, but it has Yoda!)

In your composition book, 
Write about a time when you were cold. Where were you? When was it? How long were you cold? How did you get warm? I should be shivering by the time I finish reading this!

Spelling Test on the suffix "pre-" and the meaning and words that go with it.  Extra credit is available.

New Assignment:
Vocabulary/Spelling #16           Test on March 11, 2011
 Suffix to study:   -ment  which means  state of or result of an action
Notice that -ment turns words (usually verbs)  into nouns.
1.     government       gov -  ern   - ment          
             Extra credit: “Govern” comes from a Latin word meaning “to steer” as in steering a ship.  
2.     equipment      e – quip – ment
                Extra credit:  “Equip” comes from an Old Norse (Scandinavia/Norwegian) word meaning “ship” because it originally had to do with fitting out (preparing everything needed for)  a ship.     
3.     environment      en-vi-ron-ment
              Extra credit: “En” means “in.”   “Viron” comes from  “around, circle, turn.”
4.     amendment    a-mend-ment
               Extra credit: “Amend” means to “correct, or to free from fault.”  (It has “mend” in it.)
                 Do you know about any of the amendments to the Constitution of the United States?

Read Ice Story -- nonfiction  Chapters 1 and 2  / Take notes for external text features
external text feature notes - whole class.doc
Watch part of the video

Book-of-the-Month:  See the assignment at the Book-of-the-Month tab above.
See rubrics here:   Bk of Mnth Rubrics 2 for External Text Features.doc

Deadline for your project:  March 22  
The points will go on this term's grade, and the term ends March 25.


Teacher's notes:
external text features
essential questions

Video -- start at 59:25
stop-skip 1:09 Shackleton's journal entry
begin 1:12
stop-skip 1:21:11 - 1:21:48
1:23 Christmas celebration
1:24:41 Shackleton talking with crew member sad about being away from family
stop-skip  1:29:42 -- 20 questions to 1:31:17

Originally Published 2/28/2011