Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bell-Ringer: This is no-name-calling week.  Is name calling a problem at our school?  Explain.  If so, what could be done to make it less of a problem?  If not, what could be done to decrease name-calling in other places.  Use a topic sentence and a conclusion for your writing.  (Remember when we learned about writing paragraphs.) Label this entry "No-Name-Calling" and include today's date.
(As you answer this, consider whether name-calling is a form of bullying.) Write 1/2 page or more.

(If you are absent, you could come in during Cave Time to write in your composition book -- Tuesdays or Fridays, or come after school, or write it on a piece of paper to tape into your composition book.)

2. Spelling Test on un- and -ist and the words that go with them.

3. Receive new spelling assignment for mis-
Vocabulary/Spelling #11             Test on February 4
Prefix to study:   mis- which means incorrect, bad
  1. mistake
  2. misprint
  3. misplace
  4. misinform
  5. misuse
4. More information about book-of-the-month assignment.
Doing research
informal citation   How to Use Informal Citation

5. Words By Heart
A1 to page 18, chapter 3
A2  to page 23, top of page
A3  to page 24, last paragraph
A4  to page 17, 1/2 of the way down

Links to our class wikis:
Remember to never edit a page unless it has your name at the top left. Sign up for your book on your own page. 





Reminder: Third Term Requirements