Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Impelled and compelled -- answers

from dictionary.com

[im-pel] Show IPA
–verb (used with object), -pelled, -pel·ling.
to drive or urge forward; press on; incite or constrain to action.
to drive or cause to move onward; propel; impart motion to.

1375–1425;  late ME impellen  < L impellere  to strike against, set in motion (transit.), equiv. to im- im-1  + pellere  to strike, move (something); akin to pulse1


 [kuhm-pel] Show IPA verb, -pelled, -pel·ling.
–verb (used with object)
to force or drive, esp. to a course of action: His disregard of the rules compels us to dismiss him.
to secure or bring about by force.
to force to submit; subdue.
to overpower.
Archaic . to drive together; unite by force; herd.
–verb (used without object)
to use force.
to have a powerful and irresistible effect, influence, etc.

1350–1400;  ME compellen  (< AF) < L compellere  to crowd, force, equiv. to com- com-  + pellere  to push, drive

1.  constrain, oblige, coerce. Compel, impel
 agree in the idea of using physical or other force to cause something to be done. Compel  means to constrain someone, in some way, to yield or to do what one wishes: to compel a recalcitrant debtor to pay; Fate compels us to face danger and trouble. Impel  may mean literally to push forward,but is usually applied figuratively, meaning to provide a strong motive or incentive toward a certain end: Wind impels a ship. Curiosity impels me to ask. 3.  overpower, bend.  

From Summer B.:  Think of impelled as the carrot and compelled as the stick. 

Image from http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://chrisfieldblog.com/wp-content/uploads/carrot-and-stick.gif&imgrefurl=http://chrisfieldblog.com/2009/10/28/big-stick&usg=__7rAngHlim9te9IiEMMoF8DuwbzY=&h=155&w=150&sz=4&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=1m4_anP1IFC7oM:&tbnh=124&tbnw=120&ei=_E9PTZLbCoWssAOkhaWhCg&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcarrot%2Band%2Bstick%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26biw%3D1458%26bih%3D829%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=498&vpy=274&dur=8475&hovh=124&hovw=120&tx=52&ty=71&oei=_E9PTZLbCoWssAOkhaWhCg&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=32&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0