Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday, January 31, 2011


Practice writing a comparison-contrast paragraph.   Handout -- Write your paragraph on the handout.
contrast paragraph practice.doc

Words By Heart -- Don't forget to take notes in your composition book.

A1 to page 18, chapter 3 to page 33, halfway down
A2  to page 23, top of page  to page 33, halfway down
A3  to page 24, last paragraph to page 34, to the page break
A4  to page 17, 1/2 of the way down to page 26 -- 1/2 of the way

Theme:  We should be willing to forgive and turn the other cheek.
Ben Sills believe in forgiveness.
He is urging Lena to forgive.
For what does he think she should forgive Mr. Jaybird Kelsey?
For what does he think she should forgive Tater Haney? and anyone else that was aware of what he did?
How does he tell her she should act toward the the people at church and at school?

Originally published Jan. 27, 2011
Republished Jan. 31, 2011