Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Grading for October Book-of-the-Month

Directions and Grading for the October-Book-of-the-Month Assessment
Bring your completed notes, and, if possible, your book.
Part 1: Filling out assignment sheet:                                                                                  __________/12
1 pt.
1 pt.
1 pt.
Pages read
1 pt.
1 pt.
Date Due
1 pt.
Author’s purpose
2 pts.
Intended Audience
2 pts.
2 pts.

Part 2: Notes -- Chart filled -- If one box is blank, there should be extras in others. __________/25
The character is described by
5 points
Other characters
5 points
What he or she does -5 points
What he or she says -- 5 points
What he or she thinks 5 points

Part 3: Essay  -- Select one of the two prompts below and type it in MyAccess.       __________/40
Multi-paragraph essay
Meaningful examples, reasons, information, quotations support the major idea.
Organized with
1. introduction with main idea sentence
2. body
3. conclusion
Well structured sentences.

Carefully edited for
·       Capitalization
·       Spelling (especially our commonly confused words)
·       Punctuation
·       Format
All parts support one major idea.
Effective word choice

1.     Log in using your student number and open a browser.
2.     Go to myaccess.com  or access it from our school home page.
3.     Log in using  firstnamestudentnumber   and 999lastname.
4.     If your name shows up, click on   YES, this information is CORRECT.  I would like to CONTINUE.
5.     Go to Assignments at the upper left.
6.     Select one of the following:

Prompt a. Character Traits
Character traits in fictional or real people may have positive or negative effects on the people around them.
Select one of the characters from your novel who possesses character traits that influence others in a positive or negative way.  Write an essay in which you describe this person's character traits and provide examples of how these traits affect other people.
Prompt b. Analysis of a Literary Character
We understand characters in literature by paying attention to what they say, what they do, and how other characters react to them.  The author of a novel will help us understand a character by describing how that character reacts in certain situations.  Select a character from the novel you have read and analyze that character's personality.  What adjectives would you choose to describe the character?  What information and evidence from the novel supports the use of those adjectives?
In a multi-paragraph essay, use adjectives to analyze a character from one of the novels you have read in class.  Use quotations, details, and examples from the novel to support your selection of adjectives.

·       Write a multi-paragraph essay about a main character in your book-of-the-month.
·       You may use spell check, grammar check, and any other tools available.  Revise and edit carefully.
·       You will submit and final submit.  You may revise this as many times as you wish through
October 22.  After the 19th, let me know if you have revised further.