Tuesday, November 17, 2009

November 23/24, 2009

November 23/24, 2009

Today: Spelling Test on -er, -or  and words.

Next time: il- which means not      This test will be given on December 2/3.
1. illegal
2. illiterate
3. illegible
4. illogical

Extra credit for knowing what these word parts mean:
1) "leg" as in legal             -- lēgālis  -- the law
2) "litera" as in literate       -- litterātus  -- learned, scholarly from "letter"
3) "leg" as in legible          --   leg(ere)  -- to read
4) "logo" as in logical         -- Gk logikós -- of speech or reason

Usage Note: For most of its long history in English, literate has meant only "familiar with literature," or more generally, "well-educated, learned." Only since the late 19th century has it also come to refer to the basic ability to read and write.

logic -- of Gk logikós of speech or reason. 

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