Friday, November 6, 2009

November 5/6, 2009

1. Time to find or read your November/December Book-of-the-Month.

2. Mini-lesson for your Letter to an Author. 

3. Term 2 Vocabulary:   (history of our language)  Power Point and Take Notes

History of the English Language PowerPoint 

Cloze Notes for History of the English Language PowerPoint


4.  Vocabulary/Spelling Assignment #1    The test will be given next time in class.
HOMEWORK: Study the assigned prefix and learn the spelling words.   The test will be given next time.
Prefix to study:   bi-  (see your suffix/prefix chart for meanings)
Words to learn for the spelling test:
1. bicycle   = two circles or wheels
2. bisect = cut into two parts 
3. binoculars = involving two eyes  (Ocular refers to the eye.)
4. bimonthly  = every two months or twice a month

Find the chart for your seventh grade prefixes and suffixes at 

Prefixes and Suffixes from the Seventh Grade Core for Term 2 (and on) Vocabulary     This is a file to upload and print.

5. Pretest  and teaching for writing complete, correct sentences.

6.  Time for Book Groups. You should hand in a response sheet by the end of the period.

Important notes:
Have you submitted your Letter to an Author (Letters About Literature)?
If you can access the Internet from home, find the targets for second term at the link below.  If you can't, ask me for a hard copy.

Here are the Targets (I-Can's) for second term.